On the night of the 14th, Prime Minister Kishida held talks with the Liberal Democratic Party's political affairs research chairman Hagiuda, and in order to deal with rising prices, the government's new comprehensive economic measures will be put together based on the party's proposals to be issued by the middle of next month. I have confirmed the policy.

The meeting was held at a steak restaurant in Tokyo for about two hours, and was also attended by Shindo, acting chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's political affairs research.

Among them, regarding the new comprehensive economic measures that the government will put together next month, it is recognized that while it is necessary to deal with rising prices, measures that will lead to future investment are required, not temporary measures such as subsidies. Matched.

And since the party will start discussions to compile the proposals from the 15th, we confirmed the policy of compiling the government's comprehensive economic measures based on the contents of the proposals that will be issued by the middle of next month.

Prime Minister Kishida also held talks with the Liberal Democratic Party's general affairs chairman Endo and election campaign chairman Moriyama this week. It seems that there is an aim to communicate.