Jesper Strömbäck is an engineering student at Mälardalen University, MDU, in Eskilstuna.

He has recently moved away from home and became aware of the high prices.

- The electricity price shocked me a bit, he says.

Will make a budget

Through MDU, Jesper Strömbäck has three extra jobs, which means that he does not worry about the economy this autumn.

But he says that he is thinking about drawing up a budget.

- It will be tougher, he says. 

Have changed stores

In order to save money, he and his student friends have started to buy food products with discount brands and shop more and more often at discount chains.

According to Jesper Strömbäck, some students now cook different types of dishes than before, dishes with cheaper ingredients.

He himself only buys cucumber and frozen broccoli in the vegetable way.

- But I don't know, maybe it's actually because I've become a bit lazy when I have to cook every day.

In the clip, Jesper Strömbäck tells what he will need to save for this fall and how often he plans to eat noodles this semester.