Beirut -

Who is responsible for home education for children?

Is it only the mother's responsibility, or the father's?

Or both together?

Sociology and psychology experts confirm that the participation of parents in the education of their children has a significant impact on the success and achievement of the child's desired goals in school.

Education is not only the responsibility of the school, but a joint commitment between students, families, teachers, and schools, according to specialists.

Specialists consider that family involvement in the educational process is among the most important factors affecting children's school success.

Epstein model

One of the most important things that touched upon the importance of parents in their children's academic success is the Epstein model of parental involvement.

The researcher Joyce Epstein, known in the field of the relationship between home and school, classified 6 types of parental involvement activities in their children's education, and the most important of them are:

Parents should provide an environment and positive parenting methods that prepare the child for school life (Getty Images)


It is meant to provide parents for their children a good home environment that supports learning and includes providing psychological security, health care, appropriate nutrition, methods of positive upbringing and upbringing, developing behavior, values ​​and morals, as well as advice and awareness of the importance of education and others. It is an environment that prepares the child for school life and establishes his personality, behavior and motivation towards learning.

Learning at home

It is intended to help parents for their children in the performance of educational activities such as homework, studying, reading, research, implementing projects and experiments.

It also includes the school's assistance to parents to provide adequate educational support for their children.

For example, parents can be instructed on the best methods and strategies that they can use while educating their children at home, and how to overcome behavioral or educational problems faced by learners, or learn about new educational curricula and projects.

decision making

Parents' participation in the school's decision-making process such as joining the Parents' Council or the School Board, leading and representing the Parents' community.

The mother is the teacher of morals and has a more important role than the father culturally in the process of educating children (pixels)

Should mothers help their children with homework?

Learningandthebrain poses an important question: Should mothers help their children with homework?

Do children benefit more in school because their mothers follow up on educational matters?

Researcher Jana Vilgaranta of Finnish origin and holder of a doctorate in psychology from the University of Eastern Finland, along with a number of her colleagues, conducted research that included a number of second and fourth grade students to find out the importance of the role of mothers in following up on their children in academic achievement versus the role of fathers.

It concluded that the roles of mothers in the teaching process are very important because they push their children to be more persistent, committed, confident and independent in completing tasks, and they provide assistance in teaching or monitoring whether the child has done his homework or is able to do it himself.

Dr. Al-Halabi considers that both the father and the mother play an effective educational role with the help of their children (Al-Jazeera)

Teaching children the responsibility of the mother or the father?

 The family advisor, Dr. Hussein Al-Halabi, says: It is usual for the mother alone to follow up the children’s daily lessons at home, although this responsibility is required of the parents, and there is not supposed to be a dispute over that. Teaching the children is part of the interest of the father and the mother alike, and they are They play an active role in helping their children in terms of education.

He stresses that the child really needs the father's attention as well, so his active participation in the teaching process qualifies the child to achieve excellence.

According to Al-Halabi, often one of the parties is not familiar with all educational matters or is not educated enough to follow his child in the school curriculum, so the other party (father or mother) must fill this deficiency and have an effective and influential role in the process of following up on academic achievement.

He believes that the role of the mother is more important than the role of the father in the cultural process of educating children, as she strengthens the character of her children, preserves them and teaches them morals. .

Al-Halabi warns that there are wrong methods adopted by some parents with their children in studying, including verbal violence (insulting the child and describing him as stupid, for example, or physical punishment, which leads to the child’s tension and his feeling of fear of repeating the mistake and failure in the study, which makes his mind unable to think.

The child needs the attention and active participation of the father in the teaching process that qualifies him to excel (pixels)

How does parental participation affect the educational process?

Father Elie Ghaleb has 3 children in different stages. He says, "My wife and I have work and we both have responsibilities towards the house and children, so the teaching and follow-up process is carried out in cooperation. I take care of my second daughter in the middle school, and my wife is doing the task of studying with my young son because she knows how to deal with him, but participation It is necessary because the presence of both of them with the children makes them more focused and keen to follow their lessons positively.”

For her part, the young mother, Svetlana Tarraf, stresses - in an interview with Al Jazeera Net - the importance of fathers having an active and influential role in the process of following up on the educational attainment of children. Total on the mother in studying.