After the incident, Peter has gone out on social media and warned others, but he does not want to go out with his real name as he is afraid of consequences.

- They sent a picture of my Facebook profile along with the accusations, so at first I thought my account had been hacked, says Peter.

Even though he early on thought it was some kind of fraud, he was scared when he started receiving calls with threats of violence and demands for money.

- I became paranoid, I thought they would come to my house.

Scare into silence

Peter reported the incident to the police.

This type of fraud or extortion is difficult for the police to access for various reasons, says Johan Stabbfors, group leader for fraud crimes in Västerbotten.

- By covering with guilt and shame, we will not be as inclined to report, which is part of their scheme to scare us into silence, says Stabbfors.

He also says that it is difficult to know to what extent the frauds are taking place as there is a large number of blackouts.

- On the one hand, we are so used to this type of fraud, but it can also be the case that you are ashamed to report it.

Peter is actually called something else.

Hear police officer Johan Stabbfors in the clip about how fraudsters work.