[SBS Kim Tae-hyun's Politics Show]

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■ Broadcast: SBS Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show (FM 103.5 MHz 9:05 ~ 11:00)

■ Host: Kim Tae-hyun Attorney

■ Broadcast Date: August 25, 2022 (Thursday)

■ Appearance: Lee Jun-seok Former Representative of People's Power

- Seomun Mayor Goes?

I feel urgent.

- Security accident presidential office explanation, why are you shifting responsibility to the party

? - Risk advice from Mrs. Kun-hee Kim?

'Area I can't advise'

- Reorganization of the presidential office?

Hollywood action, Yoon Hek-kwan's dominance remains

- 4 years and 9 months left, the government needs to be run with

caution ▷Kim Tae-hyun: Kim Tae-hyun's political show Invitation to the 4th part of the political show on Thursday We're tough, time is back.

Who is today's kanbu?

Jun-seok Lee, the former representative of the People's Power, who became a news article by sending a text message out of the blue last Thursday at 9:30 am, was invited.


▶Lee Jun-seok: Hello.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: It's been a while since I've appeared.

Did you drink coffee well?

▶Lee Jun-seok: That's right, we sent 3 cups and 3 people ate it.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Well done.

Today, representative Lee Jun-seok appeared after a long time, but in fact, if CEO Lee Jun-seok was there, I was going to ask about the problems surrounding him, such as the court decision, and the letter of petition that was yesterday after the court decision. I'll ask.

But before that, we prepared something, so let's hear it a little bit first.

▷Kim Taehyun: First of all, we did it for fun, but it's your MBTI or your stock ownership.

Is it E or is it I?

▶Lee Junseok : E, E.

▷Kim Taehyun : E?

It is E.

I'm E too, so ESTP President Trump, right?


Isn't this

▶Lee Jun-seok: You can find it by searching.

Find it.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Is it?

It seems like it's right, but if you search without talking about it, you'll find it.

I'm E too, E. Is that really true?

▶Lee Jun-seok: That's right.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Are you an ESTP?

Is it the same as former President Trump?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Trump is ESTP.

▷Kim Taehyun: I'm not an ESTP either, but this is a bit similar, the letters.

several overlapped.

Start with E.

▶Lee Jun-seok: I think I know for sure, but the president is I.

The president is I.

▷Kim Tae-Hyun: President Yun Seok-Yeol?

However, President Yoon Seok-yeol seems a bit outgoing.

▶Lee Jun-seok: You know it if you experience it.

I'm 100%.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Is it?


I'll try to search for this as well.

President Yun Seok-yeol E or I.

First of all, with our CEO, Jun-seok Lee, as I said before, I will go over the current issues before talking about myself and things like this.

He was one of the leading political critics in Korea before he was also represented by the party.

The schedule for the President's visit to Seomun Market in Daegu yesterday, originally scheduled for tomorrow at 12 noon on the 26th, was revealed through the fan club of Mrs.

So the event will just be canceled, right?

How do you view this situation?

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▶Junseok Lee: There are several points of concern.

First, the space called Seomun Market has become a symbolic space where conservative politicians in Daegu go when they get a booster.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: I went to former President Park Geun-hye a lot.

▶Lee Jun-seok: When the approval ratings fell, I went to Seomun Market. It's a place you go to when you want to increase your approval ratings by holding hands while everyone is doing this. Why did it come out now?

When it was about 100 days in the beginning of the government.

In fact, there is no one who has a connection.

As a result, this is a situation that can only be seen as a move aimed at gathering compensation, and seeing that I am going back to my hometown, I feel very urgent.

The second thing is, aren't the people who planned this going to be several administrators sitting somewhere in Yongsan anyway?

The limits of the imagination were revealed.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Why?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Because Seomun Market is just like Gwangalli in Busan.

Just going to Gwangalli when traveling to Busan is the most basic schedule.

So, let's go to Daegu and go to Seomun Market.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: You thought it was too easy?

▶Lee Jun-seok: This is such a thought, and in addition to that, I am a little concerned about the perception that conservative politicians need to gather a crowd in advance to go to Seomun Market.

In fact, I don't think there is a situation where conservative politicians have to worry about so-called attracting customers when they go to Daegu for an event.

In such a situation, the president is going, and it is a situation in which we have to attract guests through the fan club in advance.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Daegu City Hall.

▶Lee Jun-seok: Why are you shifting the responsibility to the party?

Then who told the party?

It's a presidential schedule, so why bother talking to the party?

Why does the party need to know?

It's called Moe.

It is a bit strange to say that after letting me know that it seems like it was leaked from the party.

And the scheduling itself is a bit of a mystery to me.

I recently went to Daegu.

When I go to Daegu, I deliberately do not go to Seomun Market.


When I go to Seomun Market, I get a misunderstanding that I went to get a political booster, so I went to Chilseong Market, another market in Daegu, and just ate.

I ate bulgogi.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Soy Sauce Bulgogi?

▶Lee Jun-seok: But this is something I have to deal with a little more carefully when scheduling.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: But there is such a thing.

So, if you look at recent public opinion polls and polls a while ago, Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do are missing a lot.

Then, from the president's point of view, shaking the core supporters is a very crisis, so I visited Seomun Market, the heart of Daegu, to catch it all.

I made a schedule for Seomun Market.

If former CEO Lee Jun-seok is now a secretary for political affairs.

Make a schedule, then how do you plan it?

▶Lee Jun-seok: From my point of view, I also travel around the region as the party representative, but when people in the region hear about it, I think they might like it because they are doing something symbolic.

There are several schedules that do this.

For example, go to Seomun Market in Daegu, eat dakgalbi in Chuncheon, or go to Suwon to eat ribs.

Actually, people living in Chuncheon don't eat dakgalbi every day.

However, rather than come and meet the real Chuncheon people, I went back and forth to Chuncheon's Dakgalbi Street, where many tourists from Chuncheon go.

These things came out later

. ▷Kim Tae-hyun: The intention is so obvious.

▶Lee Jun-seok: If you go to Gangneung, there is a coffee street.

But do Gangneung people only drink coffee?

It's not.

Coffee Street was created for outsiders in Gangneung.

But, they only go to and from the coffee street and do this, then what?

Are you just a tourist?

Because that's what makes me think.

Are people in Daegu really raising their approval ratings because of who came and went to Seomun Market?

I can do that, but since the number is inevitably very small, I should have made more practically helpful schedules rather than this schedule, I think.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Then the schedule was leaked through the fan club of Mrs. Kun-hee Kim, whether intentionally or by mistake. How do you view this?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Well, in the first place, I had information that a lot of information was flowing there.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Which way?

Towards Keonhee Love?

▶Lee Jun-seok: That's right.

In the past, there were cases where other information and photos were uploaded first before being uploaded elsewhere.

What scares me more is that I wrote a Facebook post yesterday as well, but I get very blunt about these things.

Look at the past when President Park Geun-hye was impeached.

At what point did the whole nation get angry?

How could a speech leaked to a private person who wasn't even in the president's office and the flag could be disturbed?

That's how you do it.

With a speech leak, we impeached the president.

But now, if you look at it, whether the photos are uploaded or the schedule goes up, you're going to think that they must have done it.

So, in a way, it seems that some standards that are very low compared to the past are being applied, which can be seen like this.

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▷Kim Tae-hyun: So, what do you think the Keonhee Love fan club should do in the future?

As a private organization, there is nothing we can do about it.

▶Lee Jun-seok: For example, like people who like the fan club so much that they like the minister of the country, for example, you can throw a car at something and then do something like this and then move on, but the first lady or the president, who is actually the subject of the fan club, sends some information to the fan club. When it comes to giving, it's not actually a fan club, but it's going closer to an idiomatic group.

That could cause a lot of concern, folks.

Before I disband this group, we need to quickly shut down all channels of information flow to this group.

If you look in Yongsan right now, didn't the reporters declare that they will no longer accept embargoes after the security guard, yesterday.

In the case of such a presidential schedule, even if reporters obtain it in advance, they do not report it.

Because it could create a situation of great concern for the security of the president.

But when I saw yesterday, man, we were all guarding the embargo, but when I saw it, it was leaking to the fan club.

From now on, we won't keep the embargo anymore.

From this point on, a serious crisis has already come to the security of the president.

But those who caused this situation should be held accountable.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Then, although the possibility is low, former CEO Lee Jun-seok tells President Yoon Seok-yeol about various things surrounding Mrs. Kim Kun-hee.

I'm appointing a special inspector.

I'm going to make a second annex, but if you had the opportunity to give me a comprehensive piece of advice on this, what would you say?

▶Jun-Seok Lee: It is a very important issue that these problems exist in areas that cannot be advised.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Is it?

Is this an area where you can't advise?

The problem with Mrs.

▶Lee Jun-seok: If you were to give advice to Kim Tae-hyun, how would you advise?

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Me?

Let's think about it now.

▶Lee Jun-seok: So, what is the most difficult area for this?

These problems are occurring in areas where advice is not available.

In fact, look at the Moon Jae-in government as well.

Various problems are pointed out by people, but there are points that are very difficult to point out, for example, the attitude of Mrs. Kim Jung-sook or the appearance of Mrs.

For example, it is impossible to have the First Lady appear on any parliamentary committee, so this is rather a very bad situation.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: I see.

I'm going to wrap this up here and talk a little bit about the reorganization of the Yongsan Presidential Office. Before that, I received a text message.

read this, okay?

Jaewon Jang, "Junstone Fighting."

▶Lee Jun-seok: Jang Je-won is ㅔ, ㅔ.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: But the person who sent the text is ㅐ.

Since this person is the exact same person, ㅔ, if it was Jang Je-won, this would be news.

Jang Jae-won sent a text message of “Stone Fighting”, but Jang Je-won said that he would never say such a thing.

So, there are reports that the so-called administrators and secretaries related to Yun Hak-gwan are flying, and the executives related to Rep. Jang Je-won are also flying.

This morning, when I read the Chosun Ilbo analysis article, the title reads like this.

Isn't Yoon Hak-kwan pushed a bit?

There were reports of such articles, what do you think of them?

we are here.

"The voice of Kim Dae-gi grew louder while Yoon Hak-kwan was stagnant. A nerve war between the president's office and the ruling party." This is why chief of staff Kim Dae-gi has a perfect sense of grip and organizes the executives of the Yun Hee-kwan line from Yeouido through the Office of the Secretary for Public Service Discipline.

So, there was an article saying that Yun's power is not the same as before. How do you view this analysis?

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▶Junseok Lee: I already talked about this place yesterday.

In fact, it's just like Hollywood action.

▷ Taehyung Kim : What is it?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Now, how extensive is the amount of personnel that the people called Yoon Hak-kwan have done in the government as a whole?

I saw yesterday that it was a so-called message that people circulated on KakaoTalk, and they cut 4 people, so isn't this all sorted out?

It turned like this.

After all, it's Hollywood action.

As far as I know, if there are 400 people working in the presidential office in Yongsan, many of them are said to have actually come under Yoon's influence.

Four people.

Something explicitly revealed something wrong, such as leaking a document.

So I got out through the inspection.

The dominance of the high-purity lubricating tube is still working.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: In the presidential office?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Then, what kind of power will he use to check Yoon Hak-kwan?

At the very least, it's an inspection right.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: There are also articles of analysis like this, didn't the president give him power?

▶Lee Jun-seok: Yes, it is a prosecutor.

As far as the inspection reveals, for example, documents were leaked, or they had an inappropriate meeting somewhere.

We have to look into these things, but how do we root out all of them at such a rate?

So this is for the press.

We're clearing out the hackers.

According to a recent opinion poll, people, I know that you really don't like Yoon Hek-gwan, but I removed 4 out of a few hundred people I did.

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▷Kim Tae-Hyeon: Then, the power of Yoon Hee-Kwan is still there?

▶Lee Jun-seok: You really remove the power of Yoon Hak-kwan, right?

Then I talked about it yesterday.

If they find out that the real selves are going to be so-called politically castrated.

When you look into the past actions of these people, you have to start chanting.

I have to start.

look at these

If these people feel a sense of crisis like this, that their political power will disappear or that they will not be nominated.

You are a must-do person.

But now it's quiet.

Cut 4 people for press, cut 3 people.

It's okay to spill something like this, and these people don't shake.

That's because our bodies are safe anyway, and that's what we're thinking.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: I see.

Now, I think I should ask about Lee Jun-seok's personal problems, but in fact, it was a very dynamic year during the last presidential election, to former CEO Lee Jun-seok.

I always expressed Junston’s second runaway incident like this on the show, but at the end of last year, when he refused to do his duty, gave up his duties as a former captain and went to the countryside, CEO Junseok Lee always said that, I remember.

It's to win the election.

My goal is to win the presidential election, and if I don't do that, the captain won't change and the candidates won't change, so I'm using this extreme number.

You mentioned that the ultimate goal is to win the presidential election.

This time, what is the final goal of former President Jun-seok Lee in this conflict with President Yoon Hak-kwan or Yoon Seok-yeol?

▶Lee Jun-seok: In the end, the reason why people called Yoon Hek-gwan can call out like that is because, in the end, the system has not yet been established after the regime has taken over.

That's why someone in the future will say something like this.

After fighting the government with 4 years and 9 months left, they talk about what each individual gains.

That's why I think that even if it is a harsh winter, it would be good if it was operated with even a little bit of awareness, even for 4 years and 9 months.

I think so.

Seeing these absurdities during the Park Geun-hye administration, when there were strange points, I stayed still and eventually got caught up in the logic of the organization, but the president should do well, so refrain from criticism. It was impeachment.


How many boundary points were there at that time?

As soon as the president was first elected, how would many people say hello now?

Park Geun-hye was not originally a leader of integration.

But where does she sit as a spokesperson from whom she was making some very hard-line conservative remarks on the airwaves?

She will remember so-called spokesperson Yoon Chang-joong.

And when she sees her from then on, she's greeted by some sort of fundamentalist, conservative side.

As soon as the sun comes up, I ask what the government is doing when the power is the most, but from my point of view, it is very problematic, and they are people who hit goals, but they spend their time adjudicating the dissolution of the party.

Then the Sewol ferry accident happened.

So, the camp is now completely split in two, and what kind of reform is the reform from then on?

After doing so, the welfare without tax increases is a fiction. So, I focus all of my party powers on expelling the succulent party leader suddenly.

So even the traitor frame appears.

Then later on, now I'm impeached.

This is what I am thinking.

Now, for example, in the conservative camp, hey, if you keep Lee Jun-seok a little quiet, you will be stable and the president will suddenly become a Seong-gun and make choices like this.

Then I would have had to not torment Lee Jun-seok in the first place.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Is that so?

▶Lee Jun-seok: It was okay if I didn't bully Lee Jun-seok, but after harassing Lee Jun-seok first, Lee Jun-seok is very noisy.

So, we have a strange structure of consciousness that if only he is somehow group lynched and made quiet, our regime will suddenly become a peaceful nation.

If I keep quiet, will Attorney Shin-Eop Kang and Attorney Shin-Pyung be quiet?

If I am quiet, will such a mysterious private contract suddenly disappear?

When I get quiet, my schedule planning skills will suddenly improve, so would you like to make a schedule other than Seomun Market that can win the public's sympathy?

That's not it.

The reason I'm pointing out that point now is that it needs to be changed, and the conservative party's totalitarian or collectivist tendencies sometimes have a direction that makes many situations worse.

I'm pointing out that part.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Then, is President Lee Jun-seok's goal and purpose for the success of the Yun Seok-yeol administration, just like I did before to win the presidential election?

▶Lee Jun-seok: This is the first thing to correct what is wrong.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Correct the wrong.

You don't even know how to correct what's wrong, so you have a goal, so you're correcting it.

▶Lee Jun-seok: That's right.

What I'm saying is, the government said anyway, in a letter I sent to the so-called judge.

In the past, during the Seoul Station reunion, many people were concerned about bloody clashes, and in the end, they did the reunion at Seoul Station.

Then, I went to create an even more fearful atmosphere, so I went to expand martial law nationwide, and then I saw that there are a lot of foreign reporters in Seoul. Isn't that what caused the incident?

When you do that, there is a foreign press going to report on it, and as you know well, you have to buy a taxi driver and go down from Seoul in a taxi to get coverage, and you can only report it if you bring a film with you.

As a result, the Gwangju Democratization Movement, which was a great tragedy in our modern society, took place, thinking that it would be okay to quietly do violence as an example.

It's not that I want to make myself a fighter like this, but I have to play my part when there are signs.

Regarding the problems that are taking place in this political circle, is it good that people in the political arena are good, or are you conciliatory, Lee Jun-seok, are you not going to be in politics in the conservative camp?

You have to be quiet here, but you have a future later.

Anti-conciliation, anti-intimidation, etc. If I say yes, I understand.

Well, if you've done it like a lot of people up until now.

Again, accidents can be dealt with in advance and resolved later by conciliation or threats, if this becomes fixed.

This happens endlessly.

Look at the Park Geun-hye administration.

First of all, cut Yoo Seung-min by any means.

Then you can call him a traitor.

Then you can convince them or threaten them.

From that moment on, everyone in the ruling party has not resisted the president.

That's why it's impeachment.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: Then, the opponent of Lee Jun-seok's struggles and fights is not the president, but the president?

▶Lee Jun-seok: For me, actually, if it's a turning point for me, it's internal shooting texts and cherry picking.

Until then, I thought the president would have a different opinion, though.

But in the end, it turns out that the president has provided the firewood to the people called Yoon Hak-kwan.

When the president speaks with such a perception, what kind of Yoon Hak-kwan would not consider him a strong backbone in placing such an unreasonable number?

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▷Kim Tae-hyun: I see.

I do not have enough time for an interview with former CEO Lee Jun-seok.

Actually, I have a lot of things I want to ask you today, but I'm going to wrap it up here today.

Next time, if we have another chance, if the results come out, we will see you once more when the results of injunctions, whether cited or dismissed, come out.

▶Lee Jun-seok: If you are quoted, you will disappear.

▷Kim Tae-Hyun: If you quote, you disappear, and if you reject it?

▶Lee Jun-seok: We have to fight an appeal.

▷Kim Tae-hyun: I see.

Lee Jun-seok, former representative of People's Power.

thank you

▶Junseok Lee: Thank you.

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