Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commissioner Jeon Hyeon-hee raised the claim that the Board of Audit and Inspection conducted a special audit of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission today (21st) and insisted on false answers to employees, saying, "Only say what the chairperson told you to do."

Chairman Jeon posted on his Facebook this morning, "Illegal audits and investigations by the Board of Audit and Inspection, at a level that cannot be overlooked.

We will take strong legal action.”

Former Chairman Jeon said, "Only tell (the Audit Committee to the ACRC staff) what the chairman ordered, then you're safe.

He continued, "If an employee tells the truth that the chairperson did not intervene until the end, he threatens the employee's request for time and attendance data on other matters, threatens to investigate other matters if the chairperson does not intervene, induces false answers and conducts illegal coercion investigations. did)" he wrote.

In addition, she said, "Even if the staff answers the facts as they are, if they are not the answers they want from the script they have crafted, they repeat the same questions over and over again in the same format for several days until the Auditor's Office (Chairman intervention) comes up with the desired answer." pointed out.

Former Chairman Yoo Byung-ho, secretary-general of the Board of Audit and Inspection, visited the National Assembly on the 17th and met with members of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee. criticized it.

Former chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection revealed the fact that 10 investigators belonging to Division 5 of the Special Investigation Bureau of the Board of Audit and Inspection are in charge of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, and warned that "the illegal investigation behavior of investigators of the Special Investigation Bureau under the direction of superiors is also an accomplice to illegal crimes."

Meanwhile, the Board of Audit and Inspection has been conducting a special audit against the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission since the 1st.

The main audit was originally scheduled to end on the 19th, but the Board of Audit and Inspection extended the audit period by two weeks to continue until the 2nd of the following month.