The Peiligang site is located in the west of Peiligang Village, about 8 kilometers northwest of Xinzheng City, Henan Province.

The Peiligang site is one of the earliest village sites in China. In the remains of two clay pots unearthed, researchers detected abundant Monascus hyphae and closed capsule shells, as well as rice starch grains with fermentation characteristics, indicating that pottery The jug is used for wine making and wine storage to prove that it is the earliest Monascus wine making technology discovered in my country.

In addition, bast fibers with dyed characteristics in the perforations of the ears of the pottery pot were also found, which are likely to be the remains of the use of ropes, indicating that the pottery pot is a mobile container.

I'm a little curious, the scene where the ancestors of Pei Ligang had a good time with wine must have been very lively!

(Produced by Niu Ye Studio)