Of the four brothers - "Ar Vreudeur Morvan" in Breton - only Henri, aged 90, remains.

Two other brothers, Yves and François, died in 1984 and 2012 respectively. Yvon and Henri decided to end their careers at the end of 2019.

"Yvon, like his brothers, represented the Brittany of our (...) families in Central Brittany, proud of their peasant culture and their country", writes Christian Troadec, expressing "deep sadness" in a press release.

"Defenders of the Breton language, (...) they have spent themselves without counting for the Brittany they love, that of solidarity and a sense of hospitality from the rural world", continues the elected official.

The vice-president of the region in charge of the languages ​​of Brittany and the Bretons of the world recalls that the Morvan Brothers "never took + stamps + to participate (...) in the Diwan school festivals (schools in the Breton language, editor's note) or those organized by activists of Breton culture in general".


Singles and witnesses of a vanished rural world, the Morvan Brothers lived and worked all their lives in their birthplace, on their parents' farm, in Saint-Nicodeme (Côtes-d'Armor), including after the death in 1976 from their mother, Augustine.

She had introduced them to "kan ha diskan", a singing technique that she herself inherited from her own father.

Dressed until the end of their career in the same stage outfit, light checkered shirt, dark flat cap and plain dark pants, the vocal group totaled more than 3,000 concerts, including in the most famous festivals in Brittany.

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