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Two tourists rode electric surfboards on the Grand Canal, a famous landmark in Venice, Italy, causing outrage.


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Two men on surfboards cut through the water at high speed.

The local community was outraged when it became known that they were sprinting between boats and waterbuses with a loud noise on the Grand Canal of Venice, a living space for locals and a city-wide cultural asset.

The mayor of Venice, Bruñaro, said, "Two fools made Venice a joke."

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Surfing, as well as canoeing and paddleboarding, are prohibited on the Grand Canal, lined with historic sites.

The two men in question were caught by the police shortly after.

They were foreign tourists and were deported after paying a fine of 2 million won each for obstructing safe navigation on the canal.

He is also accused of damaging the image of Venice.

Netizens responded, "This is like riding a kickboard on the Olympic road. Aren't you ashamed in a foreign country?", "It reminds me of someone who swam in heavy rain a while ago."

(Screen source: Twitter LuigiBrugnaro, YouTube NowThisNews)