A turning point here too: the pandemic autumn also promises to be exciting because the parameters have shifted.

Corona continues to be rampant, the number of infections is not low.

But attention is now on other issues;

especially since measures such as lockdowns and school closures are off the table and a certain cacophony among the actors involved is contributing to general exhaustion.

Now the (basically independent) Standing Vaccination Commission recommends what the Federal Minister of Health has long been trumpeting: the fourth vaccination, at least for all citizens over sixty.

You can argue about a lot, including the new regulation.

But it has been proven that masks and vaccinations offer protection in principle.

Which of course does not mean that this protection is absolute.

Corona is still not a private matter in that not too many people, especially in sensitive areas, should become seriously ill at the same time.

Of course, a look at neighboring countries also shows that you can deal with Corona in a more relaxed manner.

Austria and France, for example, are also democratic constitutional states that have had severe experiences with the epidemic.

A certain German tendency to regulate everything may distinguish us from them.

But the claim to keep an eye on the entire (health) system, just so that nobody is left behind, also has its advantages.