The Center Party can imagine sitting in an S-led government, was the message from party leader Annie Lööf on Monday.

She also highlighted Magdalena Andersson (S) as the best candidate for prime minister, ahead of the Moderates' Ulf Kristersson.

Lööf's message is that SD should be kept away from influence, but that also puts C in a tricky position, notes Mats Knutson.

- The question is: Will C form a government - should we cooperate with V, or will a government instead be formed on the right side of Swedish politics?

Then Annie Lööf will be forced to confess color, he says.

The C notice hardly makes things easier for Magdalena Andersson (S) if she gets a chance to form a government after the election, notes Mats Knutson.

- It doesn't seem to work.

Annie Lööf says that the Left Party should not be part of the government and that there should be no collaboration with the party.

And V's absolute requirement is to have budget cooperation in order to release a social democratic prime minister.

Hear Mats Knutson reason about the formation of the government in the clip above.