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He has just published

Congratulations on your failure

, a book that celebrates the glory of making mistakes in life and an autobiography of all those things - movies, books, songs - that are put into one's head as a child to fill it with the


that makes happy.

So failing is good?

Because it gives a lot of courage. Well, I don't know, but it is necessary, because there is no other way to learn other than through failure.

I wish life were always a roll of six on the dice, but it never is, there is only trial and error. Is success overrated? The problem is thinking that it is the only goal and hitting it with magical phrases of those that are t-shirts and mugs.

Success is not an end, but a flying goal;

the important thing is that he catches you doing things. And after the triumph, what? Well, probably another failure.

What you have to do is normalize it.

It has taught me that almost nothing is so serious as not to get the fun part out of it. In his book Until Death is a bit of a laugh... Death is the only absolute failure and the book starts with a very important one, the of my father.

Laughter helped sweeten it up a bit. The 21st century is putting on a serious rictus.

Is it difficult to be funny in such sensitive times? But we are not living in a hypersensitive time, I think we came to that conclusion because before a man was offended by a joke and they put him down in his house or in the bar.

And now with social networks they have given us all a newspaper in which we publish our magnificent opinion and with which we can get into every house and every bar. Don't tell me that this has always been the case. There have always been films that they could not be made at the time they were made.

I think we came to that conclusion because before a man was offended by a joke and they put him down in his house or in the bar.

And now with social networks they have given us all a newspaper in which we publish our magnificent opinion and with which we can get into every house and every bar. Don't tell me that this has always been the case. There have always been films that they could not be made at the time they were made.

I think we came to that conclusion because before a man was offended by a joke and they put him down in his house or in the bar.

And now with social networks they have given us all a newspaper in which we publish our magnificent opinion and with which we can get into every house and every bar. Don't tell me that this has always been the case. There have always been films that they could not be made at the time they were made.

The Life of Brian

, for example.


The Great Dictator,

which came at a time when Hitler was still thought to be doing a lot of good in Europe.

Now we live in a kind of unreal globe, we open the phone and think that's the world, but no... So now we don't get offended more than before. Jokes have offended all our lives.

A joke is neither good nor bad, it's like a knife, with which you can kill and with which you can spread butter.

Then there is what the person does with the knife.

The joke collides with you and your experiences and offends you or makes you laugh.

So of course there are limits to humor, each one's, what you can't do is maximize those limits and say 'so far you can'. You say that a comedian is a fiddler on the roof.

One who is in a very dangerous balance all the time because he always runs the risk of offending someone.

But the only way to move forward is to take risks. Because the world changes very quickly and with it what's funny. You are born into a world that has accepted truths.

Then the years go by, you evolve, you rethink things.

What you shouldn't do is demonize the past, or bully it as much as it does now, just visit it and analyze it, like with the movies.

if one sees

Gone With the Wind

with today's eyes he will throw his hands to his head.

What you have to do is the work of moving to that society of that time, in which Margaret Mitchell wrote the novel.

The problem is that people don't want to make that effort, but to literally understand everything to put their thumbs up or thumbs down. .

Is growing up questioning everything? Completely.

What happens is that whoever rethinks things is branded as cynical or turncoat.

It is curious that the words to define someone who changes their minds have such negative connotations, because those people are the most interesting.

Those who maintain their principles at all costs and do not hesitate do not evolve.

What happens is that doubt is proactive and the axiom is a very comfortable sofa from which you don't move because there you know when to applaud and when to whistle. He says he was a strange child in a world made for normal people.

Where are those normal, that I see them? I think there are people who, as soon as they arrive, accept the inherited truths and are happy just that everything is maintained.

Then there are the restless asses, those who look from another perspective.

Those have a worse time. You, who have managed to have few 'haters' on the networks, define hate as glitter: it gives you a moment of satisfaction but then no one can take it away. Hate gives immediate satisfaction, an adrenaline rush.

You put a pissed off tweet with some injustice and you feel...Batman.

At that moment you are saving society from a very clear injustice that the rest of the dimwits do not see.

But you have to get rid of hate because it doesn't wash off easily. You are what you eat.

Says his friend, the filmmaker Rodrigo Cortés, with whom he shares a cinephile podcast: Almighty. And if you eat hate every day, you blacken inside.

Even if you think that you turn off your mobile and nothing happens, there is always a black residue. Speaking of eating.

You have stung from many sites.

In his book and in the many programs in which he participates, he pays tribute to Scorsese as well as to Julio Iglesias. It is that they are compatible.

The mind is a collage, we are the product of a lot of disparate things and the head is full of spam.

I can get at any given moment the same emotion with Scorsese as with Julio Iglesias.

Is the key to let yourself be carried away by the pleasure that something gives you?

Whether it's the Hobbit or Paquita from the neighborhood... Of course.

But it happens with everything, haute cuisine is wonderful, but there is a day when a fried egg with potatoes breaks your life. He says that you should not 'bullying' the past, but there are also many who do it in the present.

To the young people, with whom you, however, have a lot of hands. This already happened with Socrates, who used to say that 'this youth is worth nothing'.

The new generations have never been understood because they are treated with the absurd superiority of those who are a thousand meters ahead in a race where they have just started. You even have a Twitch to talk to them about cinema in their language. We have come together up to 350 to see for example

But it happens with everything, haute cuisine is wonderful, but there is a day when a fried egg with potatoes breaks your life. He says that you should not 'bullying' the past, but there are also many who do it in the present.

To the young people, with whom you, however, have a lot of hands. This already happened with Socrates, who used to say that 'this youth is worth nothing'.

The new generations have never been understood because they are treated with the absurd superiority of those who are a thousand meters ahead in a race where they have just started. You even have a Twitch to talk to them about cinema in their language. We have come together up to 350 to see for example

But it happens with everything, haute cuisine is wonderful, but there is a day when a fried egg with potatoes breaks your life. He says that you should not 'bullying' the past, but there are also many who do it in the present.

To the young people, with whom you, however, have a lot of hands. This already happened with Socrates, who used to say that 'this youth is worth nothing'.

The new generations have never been understood because they are treated with the absurd superiority of those who are a thousand meters ahead in a race where they have just started. You even have a Twitch to talk to them about cinema in their language. We have come together up to 350 to see for example

but there are also many who do it today.

To the young people, with whom you, however, have a lot of hands. This already happened with Socrates, who used to say that 'this youth is worth nothing'.

The new generations have never been understood because they are treated with the absurd superiority of those who are a thousand meters ahead in a race where they have just started. You even have a Twitch to talk to them about cinema in their language. We have come together up to 350 to see for example

but there are also many who do it today.

To the young people, with whom you, however, have a lot of hands. This already happened with Socrates, who used to say that 'this youth is worth nothing'.

The new generations have never been understood because they are treated with the absurd superiority of those who are a thousand meters ahead in a race where they have just started. You even have a Twitch to talk to them about cinema in their language. We have come together up to 350 to see for example

The Machinist of the General.

Silent movies for teenagers.

It looks like squaring the circle.

Is it because of Buster Keaton, who moves a lot, like 'Fornite'? Well, they're also crazy about

Battleship Potemkin




And they are between 12 and 20 years old. Which shows that cinema is not dead, as they say.

Or (spoiler) that in the end is resurrected... The video was also going to kill the radio star and look... We are in one of the times in which more cinema has been consumed, what happens is that it is consumed in another way. Recommend me a movie for a siesta in August, now that we are finishing. For that, the best ones are the ones with cowboys.

The first hour is spent preparing a plan or going from one place to another.

There you fall asleep and wake up with the pim, pam, pum.

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