Residents of a supermarket in Nied no longer feel safe in their neighborhood.

They complain about young people using and dealing in drugs.

The Prevention Council had asked the citizens on Wednesday for their impressions.

The reason for this was an incident at the end of July in which young people injured two police officers in front of the local store on Dürkheimer Strasse.

The officials had arrived because of a call from the store manager, whom the young people had injured in an argument with pepper spray.

One participant resisted the police check and was arrested.

A group of young people then attacked the officers.

According to the protection woman Jana Kaiser, the citizen survey had been planned for a long time, but due to the current situation it was initiated as soon as possible.

In addition to the protection lady and a representative of the Prevention Council, the district manager Marja Glage and the Kind in Nied association were also represented.

"Suggestions for a good coexistence" were collected on a pin board.

alcohol, drugs, noise

Local residents in particular took the opportunity to voice their concerns.

For more than ten years, the situation at Nahkauf has been steadily deteriorating, said a resident.

The neighbors named alcohol, drugs and the noise level in the evening as the main problems.

The police know about drug trafficking, but the organized youths are warned as soon as the police car is on the way.

The youngsters were long gone by the time officers arrived.

Several eyewitnesses reported that some youths were armed.

Two older ladies said that they no longer went shopping in the evenings.

They haven't picked up food from the kebab shop around the corner for a long time.

The residents agreed that the supermarket car park could not be used during the day either.

Barbecues are being held there, and the young people carelessly drive around between the cars on e-scooters.

The parking lot problem has already been tackled, the protection woman reported.

A construction fence with a tarpaulin used to surround the parking lot, making it difficult to see into it.

In consultation with the store manager, the fence has now been removed.

The concerns of the residents are not new to Kaiser, who has been responsible for Nied for three years.

Many citizens visit their office hours or contact them by phone, since the incident before the local purchase, demand has increased.

Kaiser wants to change something, but she also appeals to those around her.

She cannot bring about change alone, and one must have staying power.

The youth need a meeting place

What makes Nahkauf a popular meeting place?

"You can buy alcohol," three youths answered.

For them, Nahkauf has been the meeting place in Nied for a long time, "everyone comes here".

The young men condemn the confrontation with the police at the end of July.

But you also have to take their perspective: They want more respect from the police.

This does not differentiate between the boys and is often very harsh.

The store manager also shows little respect and has often thrown her out of his shop.

Local residents point out another feature of the local store: there is free Wi-Fi there.

In her opinion, it should be turned off because it also tempts you to linger.

In general, they would like more commitment from the store manager.

The man reports that he has already banned several young people from the house.

Some would steal;

cashiers were afraid to take action.

His goal is to "drive" the young people out of the store.

But you can still shop if you follow the rules.

District manager Glage wants a cooperative solution.

The youth need a meeting place.

A neutral person could possibly mediate between the young people and the store manager.

The local residents are also aware that Nied offers young people only few opportunities for employment.

They do not consider the keep-fit ​​path that is currently being built to be expedient.

Funding opportunities for young people, some of whom live in difficult circumstances, should be the focus.