According to the deputy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland are “relays” of ideas, with the help of which they are trying to “spoil” Russia.

Vodolatsky stressed that Russia has not supported and will never support terrorists.

“We have at all times fought, are fighting and will destroy international terrorism, which today, thanks to the USA, Great Britain and their satellites, spreads its tentacles all over the globe.

Therefore, they simply mixed up the name of the state, ”explained the interlocutor of RT.

In his opinion, politicians who made such a decision can be called "insane".

Earlier it became known that the Latvian parliament decided to declare Russia "a state supporting terrorism."

The first deputy head of the international committee of the Federation Council, Vladimir Dzhabarov, in response to Latvia's decision, in an interview with RT, suggested revising Russia's relations with this country.