Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 20226:26 p.m., August 10, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 ladies who love to put on a show: the outstanding shooter Annie Oakley, an ace gunslinger in Far West America, a true star of Buffalo Bill's traveling "Wild West Show", who proved that she was shooting faster than her man!

Then the one who not only did the show, but who invented it, on French TV in the 1960s, with her husband Gilbert: Maritie Carpentier, to whom we owe "Top A", "Numéro 1 " or the "Sacha Show" by Sacha Distel, programs which brought together more than 15 million viewers every Saturday.

And Oprah Winfrey, probably THE most famous presenter in the United States.

The guests :

- Annick Foucrier, Emeritus Professor of North American History at the University of Paris 1. Author of “Across the American West: the exploration expedition led by Meriwether Lewis & William Clark, 1803-1806” ( Magic Lantern Editions)

- Philippe Thuillier, TV producer.

Author, with Jérôme Anthony, of "Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier or the golden age of variety" (Editions du Chêne).