The greatness of a great country also has the weight of a great country.

There are thousands of things, and in the final analysis, it is a matter of thousands of households.

  As one of the "three districts and three prefectures" deeply impoverished areas, the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province was once one of the main battlefields for poverty alleviation in the country.

  On February 11, 2018, the eve of the Lunar New Year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Sanhe Village, Sanchahe Township, Zhaojue County, deep in the Daliang Mountains, to see the truth, ask questions, and listen to his heart.

He walked into Ji Hao Ye's home, had a cordial conversation with his family, and encouraged them to get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible.

  Daliangshan is a magical and beautiful land in the heart of southwest my country.

Mountains and mountains, white clouds are connected; dams and dams, green waters are interdependent; people and nature are in harmony.

For thousands of years, generations of Yi people have lived and thrived on this beautiful land.

  Once, some people living here "go out by walking (road), cross the river by slipping (cable)".

Today, all towns and villages in Liangshan Prefecture have achieved 100% access to hardened roads, leaving the cement road and lifting your feet to get on the bus.

  "I will never forget that special day. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to visit us. For the past four years, we have kept in mind the general secretary's entrustment every day." Every household in Sanhe Village is working hard to learn technology and seek development. Let's go to the bright future of comprehensive rural revitalization together.

(Zhu Hong, Wang Hongjiang)