In the cabinet reshuffle to be held on the 10th, Prime Minister Kishida confirmed his intention to appoint Keiko Nagaoka of the Liberal Democratic Party Aso faction as Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Nagaoka is her first entry into the cabinet.

Nagaoka is 68 years old and has been elected to the 7th district of Ibaraki in the House of Representatives six times.

He belongs to the Aso faction of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Following the death of her husband Yoji, who was a member of the House of Representatives, she ran for the House of Representatives election in 2005 and was elected for the first time.

She has served as State Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Chairman of the House of Representatives' Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Committee.

As Prime Minister Kishida, she expects Nagaoka, who has worked on her women's policies, etc., and it seems that she appointed her based on the intentions of the Aso faction to which she belongs.

Her Nagaoka is her first entry into the cabinet.