Cleveland Clinic oncologist Nathan Bennell said that nonsmokers are just as likely to develop lung cancer as smokers.

While cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, Bennell warned that secondhand smoke, exposure to asbestos or radon gas, and a family history of disease, all may lead to this disease.

Dr. Bennell explained that many people think that lung cancer is caused by smoking only cigarettes, but this is not true.

Advances in diagnosis

Lung cancer is, according to the World Cancer Research Fund, the second most common type of cancer in the world.

Medicine has made progress in diagnosing and treating lung cancer, including genetic testing.

The oncologist said that there are many types of lung cancer, stressing that genetic tests have helped researchers develop treatments that target specific types of cancer cells.

"Immune system-based therapies, in which the immune system is primed to attack tumors, could help lung cancer patients live longer," he added.

A number of these treatments


Detecting lung cancer using low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans, which help identify infection at an earlier, more curable stage, has also reduced deaths from lung cancer.

Measures to reduce the risk of infection

While not all types of lung cancer can be prevented, individuals can take some measures that may reduce their risk, such as quitting smoking.

If a smoker stops smoking for 10 years, the risk of lung cancer will be reduced to about half that of a smoker, according to Dr. Pennell, who added that people can avoid or reduce exposure to chemicals such as asbestos and radon.