The 2022 Hebei Qinhuangdao Industrial Robot Operation and Adjuster Vocational Skills Competition was held a few days ago.

Photo by Cao Jianxiong/Guangming Pictures

  At the FAW-Volkswagen North China Base in the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, robots operate vehicles on the production line.

Xinhua News Agency

  Contestants work in the information network wiring event of the first Guizhou Vocational Skills Competition.

Photo by Deng Gang/Guangming Pictures

  "5G + Industrial Internet" promotes the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Xinhua News Agency

【Economic interface】

 Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the newly revised "Occupational Classification of the People's Republic of China" to the public.

One of the highlights of the new edition is that the number of occupations is marked for the first time, and the number is as high as 97.

Marking digital occupations is a major innovation in my country's occupational classification, which is of great significance to promoting the development of digital economy and digital technology and improving the digital literacy of the whole people.

Digital economy spawns digital careers

  "Robotics Engineering Technician", "Additive Manufacturing Engineering Technician", "Database Operation Administrator", "Digital Twin Application Technician", "Business Data Analyst", "Agricultural Digital Technician"... From the names of these digital occupations in the occupation code, you can It can be seen that with the development and application of digital technology, digital professional practitioners are not only distributed in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, but have also widely penetrated into all aspects of social production, circulation, distribution and consumption.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security stated that in the revision of the ceremony, in order to comprehensively, objectively and accurately reflect the actual situation of the current social and occupational development, the occupational information newly added in recent years has been incorporated into the new edition of the ceremony, and some original occupational information descriptions have been updated. , and canceled some occupations that have died, reflecting the needs of the development of the digital economy.

  In recent years, the accelerated innovation of new-generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and 5G has driven a wave of change with the digital economy as the development trend. The digital economy has become a modern economy following the agricultural economy and the industrial economy. The main economic form of society.

According to relevant statistics, in 2021, the scale of my country's digital economy has reached 45.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8% of GDP. The digital economy has become the strategic support for building my country's new development pattern.

The digital profession has developed rapidly under the large-scale digital economy, and employees spanning various fields of the national economy have become the backbone of the development of my country's digital economy industry.

  Chen Xin, who works in Yunnan, has worked as an agricultural technology promoter, the person in charge of the grape base, and the operator of the agricultural materials store. Since 2020, Chen Xin has deeply integrated soil, water, plant and environmental digital detection technology with agricultural production practices. Provide digital technical services for grape growers in Yunnan, help grape growers realize the transition from experience planting decisions to relying on data planting decisions, and effectively help growers to increase production and income, which is welcomed by farmers.

"In the digital age, agricultural digital technicians are important talents in agricultural production." Wang Yinghai, senior agricultural digital technician of Greensley (Beijing) Agricultural Technology Service Co., Ltd. believes that with the training, guidance, consultation and operation services of agricultural digital technicians , Agricultural informatization, smart agricultural systems and other advanced science and technology have a foundation in the front-line of agricultural production, and agricultural digital technicians have turned data into a veritable new agricultural material and new productivity.

  Liu Jianjun, head of the Digital Occupation Marking Team of the Expert Committee on the Revision of the "People's Republic of China Occupation Classification Ceremony" and President of the China Federation of Trade Union Research Institute, said that the country has carried out classified and systematic digital occupational marking for the first time, and most occupations in the field of digital technology have become Digital occupations greatly meet the self-realization needs and social value recognition of digital occupation practitioners.

The digital profession will become the vane of the career development of the majority of workers. More and more high-tech and skilled talents will devote themselves to the great practice of digital economy construction. Digital talents will face fierce competition with more and more advanced technology and higher and higher level of ability. situation.

The competitive participation of more talents in the "high-end, cutting-edge and new" fields will undoubtedly become a powerful driving force to promote and promote digital technology to accelerate innovation.

Digital careers face a big gap

  The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the outline of the long-term goals for 2035 propose to accelerate digital development, build a digital China, and make systematic arrangements for the construction of a digital economy, a digital society, and a digital government.

my country has positioned the development of the digital economy and digital technology innovation as a national strategy, which means that the digital profession will face a broader space for development.

  From the perspective of the industrial distribution of digital occupations, among the five major industrial categories of my country's digital economy, most digital occupations are concentrated in the digital technology application industry, accounting for 46.4%; digital efficiency improvement industries and digital factor-driven industries account for the proportion of digital occupations. 19.6% and 17.5% respectively; digital occupations in digital product manufacturing and digital product service industry accounted for 9.3% and 7.2% respectively.

Based on this analysis, Liu Jianjun believes that the manufacturing industry is the basic industry for social and economic development, and the service industry is an incremental industry for social and economic development.

From a long-term perspective, with the digital transformation and high-quality development of the manufacturing and service industries, digital occupations in these fields will further increase, which is worthy of attention.

  From the perspective of the digital occupation employment market, the market demand for digital occupations still faces a large gap.

Taking "database operation administrator" as an example, the number of jobs in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai is as high as 60,000 to 70,000. Even in cities such as Qingdao and Foshan, the demand for this digital occupation has reached 4,000-5,000.

Zhong Wenjia, head of the data department of Guangdong Data Service Co., Ltd., said that the field of database administrators requires high practical experience and independent work ability, and it is difficult to be competent for database administrators without a lot of hands-on practice.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that the status quo of the workplace is that it is not easy to enter the position of database administrator, and it is difficult for employers to find suitable practitioners, and the talent gap is very large.

She believes that "the database administrator career is a high-challenge and high-reward career, and technical personnel with certain abilities should challenge themselves to enter this career that is constantly proving to be more and more promising."

  The field of cybersecurity, which escorts the development of the digital economy, also faces the challenge of insufficient talent.

According to the research of relevant institutions, the shortage of cyber security talents in my country will reach 1.4 million in 2021. It is expected that the gap will further expand to 3 million in 2027, and talents are very scarce.

Also in short supply are practitioners in technology fields such as virtual reality and digital twins.

At present, key technologies represented by virtual reality, digital twin and AI have been used in manufacturing, transportation, medical, industrial and other industries to facilitate digital transformation.

"Industrial digital transformation is a trillion-level market, but in terms of talent supply, especially in technical fields such as virtual reality and digital twins, the talent resources are far from enough." said Li Jun, director of the Exchange and Cooperation Division of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center.

According to a global virtual reality talent report previously released by professional social platform LinkedIn, the number of virtual reality talents in China only accounts for 2% of the world at this stage, but the demand for talents in the field of virtual reality has reached 18%.

It is imperative to cultivate digital talents

  At present, digital professional practitioners have become the key training targets of industry enterprises, but talent training institutions such as colleges and universities lag behind in connecting with digital professions.

  "At present, there are more than 200 colleges and universities offering cyberspace security majors in my country, but the number of graduates trained by colleges and universities is only more than 20,000 each year." Expert in the Talent Expert Group of China Cyberspace Security Association, Guoke Huadun (Beijing) According to Pan Pengdan, senior vice president of Science and Technology Co., Ltd., the supply of cybersecurity talents in my country is "green and yellow", and the speed of talent growth and training significantly lags behind the overall speed of technological and social changes.

  Liu Jianjun said that the labelling of digital occupations this time reflects the country's high demand and high emphasis on talents in the digital field. The era of rigid demand for digital talents has already begun, and the cultivation and construction of digital talents is imperative.

  "The construction of digital occupations and follow-up occupational standard systems will clarify the direction and rules for the training of digital talents in colleges and universities in professional setting and curriculum resource development, talent comprehensive quality training, career planning and employment guidance, vocational skills training and vocational skills grade identification, etc. It has become the basic guideline for all colleges and education and training institutions to cultivate digital talents.” Liu Jianjun believes that with the continuous growth of the digital economy, the update and iteration of digital technology, and the improvement and perfection of digital governance, the digital profession will keep pace with the times. Update the mechanism, further strengthen the research and promotion in education and training, technological innovation, employment and entrepreneurship, etc., to better promote digital talents to provide the original driving force for the development of the digital economy industry, and provide strong human resource support for the construction of digital China.

  It is reported that at present, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has led various ministries, commissions, and industry associations to launch a digital engineer training project based on the results of digital occupational marking to accelerate the development of digital occupational technical skill standards, social training materials, and digital course resources and platforms. Key tasks such as the integration of technical job evaluation and vocational skill level identification, and the optimization and improvement of the digital talent evaluation system.

These measures will clarify the career development direction of millions of digital professionals, expand the space for professional development, open up channels for job promotion, reflect the respect and recognition of digital talents, and give digital talents hope, success and sweetness. , will greatly stimulate the innovation and creativity of digital talents.

(Reporter Qiu Yue)