1) Many friends were disappointed after Pelosi arrived in Taiwan.

I had also expected that the PLA Navy and Air Force might directly deter Pelosi, making her planes afraid or unable to land.

I believe that the PLA Navy and Air Force definitely have this strength.

However, this move is extremely risky. The plane is in the air, and it is often a close call, and life and death are decided in a few seconds.

Once Pelosi is really knocked down, there is a risk of a direct military conflict between China and the United States.

After all, what we want is the reunification of the motherland, not war with the United States.

Of course, if the United States finally uses force to prevent China's reunification, it will be a war against aggression and interference in internal affairs for China.

  2) Letting Pelosi's plane land in Taiwan also shows that the focus of this round of struggle is not to prevent Pelosi from visiting at all costs, but how to fight for a better fight against Taiwan and the United States after Pelosi's visit. favorable situation.

Just as Japan wanted to "nationalize" the Diaoyu Islands in 2012, the focus of our struggle is not to stop Japan from "nationalization" at all costs, but how we can go further in defending the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands after Japan "nationalizes" .

Now, ten years later, Chinese coast guard ships regularly patrol the Diaoyu Islands, and it is common for them to enter and exit the 12-nautical-mile territorial waters.

It should be said that Japan's "nationalization" was originally a provocative move, but in the end it led to a more effective defense of China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

  3) My own feeling is that the current situation is somewhat similar to the 1958 bombardment of Kinmen, "only attacking the Jiang ship, not the US ship." This is a struggle strategy.

  4) From the moment Pelosi set foot on the land of Taiwan Province of China, the so-called "strait center line" has completely disappeared.

The next military exercise site has fully explained this problem.

We can ask ourselves, if after Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the PLA ships and planes can normally conduct training in areas east of the so-called "strait center line" and east of Taiwan closer to Taiwan. Wouldn't it be a good thing?

Although China does not recognize the "strait center line", it has been relatively restrained for many years and generally does not cross the line to practice. In the face of US-Taiwan collusion, China took advantage of the situation to break the tacit understanding and restraint on the "strait center line", which is indeed another step forward. .

  5) Breaking through the so-called "strait center line" may be just a step for China to counter and punish Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. We can look forward to what actions will be taken next.

  6) At this moment, some friends may feel that "not enjoyable", "not enjoyable" and "not happy", American imperialists and boring politicians in Taiwan Province can dance for a while.

However, as the saying goes, "the higher you jump, the harder you fall".

The example of Hong Kong has already shown that it is not that there is no report, the time has not come, and when the time comes, the clown jumping from the beam will not fall, and will be arrested.

  7) On the Taiwan issue, the strategic interests of China and the United States are not in the same order of magnitude, which determines that the strategic determination and strategic resources that China and the United States can invest in this issue are not in the same order of magnitude.

Therefore, if anyone is the "paper tiger", it must be the United States.

  8) Although I also really want to see the US imperialists and the boring and vicious politicians in Taiwan Province be severely punished today, and I want to wake up to witness history, but from a rational point of view, to completely solve the Taiwan issue, I still have to choose the right one. The method and time point of the Chinese nation's cost and cost are relatively minimal.

In this process, it is inevitable to feel a little aggrieved at times, just like in the Hong Kong incident in 2019 when the black violence was the most rampant, but it was later proved that the introduction of the national security law in the Hong Kong area was obviously more wise than the direct use of the army and armed police at that time. Choice is also the more efficient and least expensive option.

When the struggle situation is the most complicated and severe, it is often the time when strategic wisdom, strategic patience and strategic determination are the most tested.

At any time, what we are fighting for is the fundamental and long-term interests of the country and the nation, not the will.

  9) If someone feels a little aggrieved because of their expectation of national reunification and worries about how to fight against "Taiwan independence" elements, this is human nature.

I don't have any inside information, and I'm sometimes swayed by my emotions, so I sometimes feel the same way.

But in any case, we all hope that the country will be good, and that the national rejuvenation will be realized as soon as possible.

At the same time, some people, seeing Pelosi visiting Taiwan, not only did not condemn the provocative American politicians, but also waited to see the so-called "jokes" of China. On some occasions, they were cynical and yin-yang. This is not normal. Yes, this is a group of national scum.

No true patriot will wait to see the "joke" of his own country.

What's more, these "national haters" have limited information, and the so-called "jokes" in their eyes are just a fragment and an aspect of the development process.

In the end, China is getting better and better, and China has fulfilled its word on the complete solution of the Taiwan issue. The real "joke" is precisely these people themselves.

  10) The Taiwan issue must be resolved in the end, and we must have both confidence and patience.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is destined to help China achieve multiple milestones in its national reunification process.

From this point of view, when the country is unified, we should not forget to thank "Comrade Pelosi".

Although she is over 80 today, I guess she should still be there by then.

  PS After Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, some people felt a little disappointed, which may also be related to expectations.

In similar major struggles in the future, how to manage and guide the reasonable expectations of the public may also be an issue that needs to be considered.

  The words of one family are for reference only.

  Source: Uncle Ming's Miscellaneous Talks