On August 3, the China Meteorological Administration held a regular press conference to introduce the climate forecast in August, as well as the national weather and climate characteristics in July, and released the Blue Book on Climate Change in China (2022).

  It is expected that in August, there will be more precipitation in Northeast China, North China, and southeastern South China, and the temperature in most parts of the country will be close to the same period of the year to high.

1-2 typhoons will make landfall or significantly affect my country's coastal areas.

August is the peak tourist season, and it is also a period of frequent strong convective weather and active typhoons. Please pay attention to planning your itinerary when traveling.

  National Weather and Climate Characteristics in July

  The average temperature was 23.2°C, 1°C higher than the same period of the previous year and the second highest in the same period in history since 1961

  The average precipitation was 96.6 mm, 20.6% lower than the same period of the previous year, the second lowest in the same period in history since 1961

  The average number of high temperature days (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35°C) was 5.6 days, 2 days more than the same period of the previous year, the second most in the same period in history since 1961 (second only to 2017)

  There were 6 regional heavy rain events in my country, 4 of which occurred in the north, 1.4 times more than the same period of the normal year, while the regional rainstorm process in the south was 2.1 times less than the same period of the normal year.

  Parts of 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) were affected by strong convective weather such as lightning, strong winds, and hail, among which Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu and other places had a heavier impact

  A total of 68,000 warning messages were issued nationwide, a year-on-year decrease of 1.45%.

Among them, the high temperature red warning issued the largest increase, with a year-on-year increase of 753%

  August climate trend forecast

  In the next 10 days, there will be many high temperature weather in Jiangnan, Sichuan Basin, Jianghan, Jianghuai, southern Shaanxi, Henan and other places.

From the 4th to the 6th, the high temperature weather in southern China and southern Jiangnan will be temporarily relieved.

From the 4th to the 7th, high temperature weather will occur successively in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Shandong, western Inner Mongolia, western Gansu and eastern Xinjiang.

The daily maximum temperature in the high temperature area can generally reach 35-38°C, and locally it can reach 40°C. Among them, the highest temperature in the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang can reach 41-44°C.

  From August 4 to 13, the main rainfall areas were located in Northeast China, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, central and northern Shanxi, central Inner Mongolia, central and northern Shandong, and southern Jiangnan, southern China, Yunnan, western Sichuan Basin, southern Guizhou, and southern Tibet. Rainfall ranges from 40 to 80 mm

  In terms of typhoons, about 3 to 5 typhoons (central wind force ≥ 8) are generated, which is less than the same period of the year (5.6).

  August Weather Service Tips

  ●Prevent secondary disasters that may be caused by heavy precipitation

  ●Do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down and ensuring energy supply

  ●Prevent typhoon disasters

  ●Prevent severe convective weather hazards

  ●Prevent the adverse effects of weather on agriculture

  ●Tourism pays attention to weather conditions

  Data source/official website of China Meteorological Administration

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  In August, the temperature in most of East China and other places is 1℃-2℃ higher

  Specifically, in terms of precipitation, it is expected that there will be more precipitation in August in northeast China, north China, southeastern South China, most of Inner Mongolia, northeastern northwest, and northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Among them, northeast China, eastern Inner Mongolia, northeastern North China, southeastern East China, southeastern South China, and northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are more than 2-50%.

  In terms of temperature, it is expected that the temperature in most parts of the country in August will be close to the same period of the year to high.

Among them, the temperature in most of East China, most of Central China, the northeastern part of the southwest, most of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and northern Xinjiang was 1°C-2°C higher; the temperature in most of the Northeast and eastern Inner Mongolia was lower.

  In addition, 3-5 typhoons (central wind force ≥8) will be generated in August, which is less than the same period of the year (5.6); 1-2 typhoons make landfall or significantly affect the coastal areas of my country, which is lower than the same period of the year (2.3). ) is less.

  According to the forecast of climate trends in August, the China Meteorological Administration reminded that the first thing to do is to prevent secondary disasters that may be caused by heavy precipitation.

Northeast China, North China, South China and other places need to focus on preventing urban waterlogging, farmland waterlogging, mountain torrent disasters, landslides, debris flows and other geological disasters caused by heavy rainfall.

  Please do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down and ensuring energy supply.

In August, northern Xinjiang, central eastern China, central central China, and eastern Southwest China need to pay attention to the adverse effects of sustained high temperatures on human health, and make emergency preparations for heatstroke prevention, cooling and power supply.

  In addition, to prevent typhoon disasters.

August will enter a period of relatively active typhoon activities, and coastal areas such as South China and Jiangnan need to strengthen the prevention of heavy precipitation, strong winds and storm surge disasters caused by typhoons.

  During the "seven down and eight up" period, short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other strong convective weather occurred frequently in the northern and southeastern coastal areas, and the local destructive power was strong.

  To guard against adverse effects of weather on agriculture.

In Northeast China, waterlogging and waterlogging reduction should be carried out in a timely manner, and measures to promote early maturation should be taken in a timely manner to avoid crop greed and late maturity.

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to the eastern part of the southwest region are planned to use water, the rice area is adjusted with water in a timely manner, and the areas with deviated moisture content are properly irrigated to reduce the adverse effects of high temperature and drought.

Pay attention to drainage of waterlogging in areas with more precipitation in South China, and do a good job in typhoon defense in coastal areas.

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  The most notable features of the climate in July are less precipitation and high temperature

  The most notable features of the past July were low precipitation and high temperatures.

  According to the statistics of the National Climate Center, the national average precipitation in July was 96.6 mm, which was 20.6% lower than the same period of the previous year, the second lowest in the same period in history since 1961; Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan were all the lowest in the same period in history.

  Since July, under the influence of high temperature, high temperature and little rainfall, moderate or above meteorological drought has occurred in the eastern and southern parts of Southwest China, the eastern part of Northwest China, and parts of central and eastern China.

As of July 31, moderate-to-severe meteorological droughts had emerged and developed in central and southern East China, northwestern and southeastern central China, parts of southwestern China, and western southern China. Meteorological droughts continued in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and central and eastern Tibet.

  Different from the drought in many places in the south, the rainstorm process in the northern region in July is frequent and extreme.

In July, there were 6 regional heavy rain events in my country, 4 of which occurred in the north, 1.4 more than the same period of the previous year, while the southern regional rainstorm process was 2.1 less than the same period of the normal year.

The daily precipitation of 30 national weather stations in the northern region exceeded the extreme value in July.

  In addition, the number of typhoons generated and landed in my country in July was 0.8 less than that in the same period of the year.

In July, parts of Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu and other places were severely affected by strong convective weather disasters such as lightning, strong winds and hail.

  In terms of temperature, the national average temperature in July was 23.2 °C, which was 1 °C higher than the same period of normal years, and was the second highest in the same period since 1961; the daily maximum temperature of 245 national meteorological stations across the country exceeded the historical extreme value in July.

  In July, the national average number of high temperature days (daily maximum temperature ≥35°C) was 5.6 days, which was 2 days more than the same period in normal years and the second most in the same period in history since 1961 (second only to 2017).

The number of high temperature days in eastern Southwest China, Central China, East China and most of South China, as well as southwestern Xinjiang, was 5 to 10 more days than the same period of the previous year, and more than 10 days in some areas.

Affected by the high temperature, electricity consumption in many southern places such as Zhejiang and Shanghai hit a record high, and many people in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places were diagnosed with heat stroke.

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  Blue Book: my country's average annual precipitation is increasing

  On August 3, the China Meteorological Administration released the Blue Book on Climate Change in China (2022).

Its content shows that in 2021, the global average temperature will be 1.11°C higher than the pre-industrial level (average from 1850 to 1900), which is one of the seven warmest years since complete meteorological observation records exist.

The global average temperature in the last 20 years (2002-2021) was 1.01°C higher than the pre-industrial level.

  It is worth noting that China's warming rate is higher than the global average over the same period, making it a sensitive area for global climate change.

From 1951 to 2021, the annual average surface temperature in China showed a significant upward trend, with a warming rate of 0.26°C/10 years.

The past 20 years have been the warmest period in China since the beginning of the 20th century; in 2021, the average surface temperature in China will be 0.97°C higher than the normal value, the highest value since 1901.

  According to the Blue Book on Climate Change in China (2022), the average annual precipitation in China is increasing, and there are obvious differences in precipitation changes between regions.

From 1961 to 2021, the average annual precipitation in China showed an increasing trend, with an average increase of 5.5 mm every 10 years; since 2012, the annual precipitation has continued to be high.

In 2021, the average precipitation in China will be 6.7% higher than the normal value. The average precipitation in North China will be the highest since 1961, while the average precipitation in South China will be the lowest in the past 10 years.

  Extreme weather and climate events such as high temperature and heavy precipitation in China are becoming more frequent and stronger.

From 1961 to 2021, extreme heavy precipitation events in China showed an increasing trend; since the late 1990s, extreme high temperature events have increased significantly, and the fluctuation of the average intensity of typhoons landing in China has increased.

In 2021, the average number of warm days in China will be the most since 1961, and the daily maximum temperature of 62 stations including Yuanjiang in Yunnan (44.1℃) and Fushun in Sichuan (41.5℃) will break through historical extremes.

From 1961 to 2021, the average number of dust days in the northern region showed a decreasing trend, reaching the lowest value in recent years and then slightly rebounding.

  Ocean warming has accelerated since the late 1980s, and the global mean sea level has continued to rise.

In 2021, the global mean sea level will reach the highest level ever recorded by satellite observations.

  The overall vegetation cover in China has increased steadily, showing a trend of greening.

Since the 1970s, the area of ​​mangroves along the coast of China has generally decreased at first and then increased.

By 2020, the total area of ​​mangroves in China has basically recovered to the level of 1980.

  In addition, the spring phenological periods of representative plants in different regions of China tended to advance, and the autumn phenological periods fluctuated greatly.

  Beijing News reporter Wang Jingxi