The question of Skutberget's future still has a place in the Karlstad Quality of Life Party.

But when their election manifesto was presented on Monday, there were other issues that were significantly higher on the priority list, among them urban planning, democratic development and, not least, care for the elderly.

- It is our highest priority issue, says Peter Sörensen (KPL).

Above all, the party wants to raise the quality of care for the elderly.

Peter Sörensen (KPL) explains how they want to achieve this in the video above.

Wants to lower municipal council salaries

When it comes to the issue of urban planning, the party wants, among other things, to stop the development of Månsberget and introduce a policy that everyone should be able to see at least three trees from their home, school and workplace and have access to a green area within 300 meters.

Local democracy wants to strengthen the party through stricter e-mail diaries, an end to oral agreements and reduced salaries for municipal councillors.