China News Service, July 27. According to foreign media reports on the 27th, due to climate change, most of the world's mountain glaciers are receding, and glaciers in the European Alps are particularly vulnerable.

The melting area of ​​Alpine glaciers could hit a record high in at least 60 years, data shows.

Data map: July 14, 2022 news, recently, near Gleich in the Swiss Alps, the Rhone Glacier was covered with a pure white "blanket".

The Rhone Glacier is one of the oldest glaciers in the Alps, and as the global climate warms, the rate of melting of the Rhone Glacier is increasing.

Currently, parts of the glacier are covered with a white blanket, which slows the rate of melting of the glacier.

The picture shows the Rhone Glacier covered in a white "blanket".

  The Alps have experienced two major early summer heatwaves since last winter, including one in July when temperatures rose to nearly 30 degrees Celsius in Zermatt, at the foot of Switzerland's Matterhorn, according to reports.

  In addition, temperatures in the Alps are warming at a rate of about 0.3 degrees Celsius every 10 years, which is about double the global average.