Many countries around the Mediterranean have for a long time had a reduced number of grazing animals, an increased amount of abandoned agricultural land and more afforestation.

This has led to more and more fires, says Johan Sjöström.

- Dry weather is a prerequisite for it to burn, but how much it burns is very much determined by how we use the soil.

Both Portugal and Spain have had large fires during the summer, but Johan Sjöström still thinks that other countries stand out.

In France, which is not usually affected by fires to the same extent as the Iberian Peninsula countries, 40,000 hectares of land have been burned so far this year, according to the European forest fire information system EFFIS.

"Something we do not normally see"

But Britain has also seen more summer fires than usual.

- It burned inside London.

This is something we do not normally see, where it burns most in the spring in grass and heather, says Johan Sjöström.

Despite this, Johan Sjöström does not believe that this year's fires will break any records.

- I do not think it will be a record year, but the summer is not over so we will see how it will be.