It's hot, too hot, and you wonder if it's ever been that hot in Paris... The answer is yes, July 25, 2019, according to data collected by Météo-France transmitted to

20 Minutes


That day, it was even 42.6 degrees, even warmer than the peak of 39 degrees forecast by Météo-France for this Tuesday, July 19.

The second hottest day since Météo-France records data goes back much further, in 1947, again in July (who said that August was the hottest month?), the 28th, very precisely.

Another time… It was 40.4 degrees then.

Global warming

But that this month of July 1947, when as one newspaper titled it, the capital was "transformed into the Sahara", does not delude our readers.

Of the 20 hottest days recorded since 1947 at the Paris Montsouris station, nine took place after 2010. So almost half of the hottest days for more than 70 years have fallen on us over the past twenty-two years… It is difficult in these conditions to doubt global warming.

And so, to answer our original question, there were eight other days when the mercury reached at least 39 degrees, essentially in 2020, 2003 and 2019.


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  • Ile-de-France

  • Weather report

  • Heat wave

  • Global warming

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  • Heat

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