In the latest "Stand-Up Comedy" show, Rowan Atkinson, the famous "Mr. Bean" character, broke his usual way of laughing, as he mocked everything around him;

From America and the countries of the world, specifically France, which he repeatedly mocked.

He stood on the stage in the form of a demon telling obscene jokes directed at an adult audience, and despite its overwhelming success, he was not satisfied with the limited spread among adults only, and for this he chose to return with a new series entitled “Man vs Bee” (Man vs Bee), through which he returns to the movements of his captivating character for the audience of adults and children Both.

Atkinson returns through a man named Trevor who confronts a bee in the old aristocratic house where he works as a guard.

But what makes a movie different?

A film that presents a comedy that has ended since the time of Charlie Chaplin, that is, a situation comedy in which the entire film community gets involved unintentionally, in a coincidence and stumbling that lead a naive man to success in the end unintentionally but from the intensity of his sincerity.

And this man finds himself in a state of war with a bee at a time when he lives in a luxurious mansion, which is a woven absurd struggle and a good "scenario" to present comic situations based on that.

Who will win?

And what is irreparable damage in the process?

The audience will realize it all through the kind, gullible, honest "Mr. Bean" who used to leave anywhere in the world a mess.

Atkinson's comedic antics led to some of the funniest scenes on Netflix. This naive man's attitudes are shared by young and old, and when he tries to catch a mischievous bee, Trevor gets involved in terrible acts;

It creates many problems for the home and its owners.

Opposite this man, the owner of the house who is obsessed with every piece of him stands and is forced to leave him only for a vacation abroad, which leads to situations that make any viewer laugh.

Nina and Christian's mansion is home to valuable antiques, yet Mr. Bean doesn't pay much attention to these antiques, and the film begins with a random smashing of a statue while Mr. Bean tries to kill a bee.

The cinema in general is full of productions of animals and insects, some of whose best heroes were helpers or enemies, and the bee of the "Netflix" series has another role in the film, as it tortures Trevor until she gets him out of his way.

Despite this unjustified hostility between a man and a bee, his reaction to the annoying insect does not leave much to be desired, as he repeatedly tries to end the life of the poor bee, and does not even think once about just expelling it from the house.

The viewer gets involved in a fatal revenge incident to rid the palace of the bee, and uses various extreme methods to kill his flying opponent, up to the thought of destroying it with an electric hand mixer, or with piano keys.

This unequal struggle results in an audience that does not fully support the hero at the expense of the intrusive insect, and perhaps this also creates ridicule at Mr. Bean's naive attempts to get rid of her.

Before leaving for the airport, Nina and Christian left the man with a guide detailing how to operate the palace's impressive technology, but Trevor showed no respect for this important pamphlet that he quickly set on fire while trying to cook his soup.

This film will bring laughter and happiness to young and old, especially after watching Trevor's naive behavior, and how his foolishness continues and multiplies until the miracle occurs that makes him succeed through the intervention of my destiny, and make a happy ending in spite of everything.