The lecture by biology doctoral student Marie-Luise Vollbrecht on the subject of biological sex, which was canceled at the Long Night of Science, will be made up for this Thursday at Humboldt University, followed by a panel discussion on how to deal with social controversies at universities.

Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger, University President Peter Frensch, a law and a biology professor, a professor of gender studies, a board member of the Berlin Gay Museum and a representative of the queer community will take part in the discussion - but not those who are at the center of the controversy , which triggered the lecture and its cancellation.

Marie-Luise Vollbrecht and the Critical Lawyers working group were invited

“A disservice to academic freedom”

The Working Group of Critical Lawyers, a group of students from the Faculty of Law at Humboldt University, held a protest event against the lecture entitled “Gender is not (gender) gender: sex, gender and why there are two genders in biology ’ and a discrimination against transidentitarian people by Vollbrecht, which was confirmed by the working group.

The university then canceled the lecture, citing security concerns as the reason.

The Humboldt University was heavily criticized for the cancellation, including by the President of the German University Association, Bernhard Kempen.

You have done academic freedom a disservice, he said.

Meanwhile, Vollbrecht gave her lecture on YouTube, which explains the biological basis of dual gender.

The fact that the 32-year-old doctoral student was the co-author of an article published in Die Welt in June, which gave public broadcasting an uncritical, affirmative approach, also played a role in the protest, which was supported by the student representatives at Humboldt University accused of trans identity.

The lecture will take place on Thursday at 5 p.m., the discussion at 7 p.m.

It was moved to a larger room because of the large crowd.

Its 400 places are already fully booked, registrations are no longer possible.