The Communist Party chairman, Kazuo Shii, who reduced the number of seats in the Upper House election, said he was "a keen sense of responsibility" and emphasized his intention to do everything in his power to restore the party.

The Communist Party chairman, Kazuo Shii, said in a press conference that he "is keenly aware of his responsibility to reduce the number of seats and votes in the proportional representation" about the fact that he only won four seats in the Upper House election, which is less than the six seats before the election. ..

On the other hand, he said, "I want to fulfill my responsibilities by building a strong party, winning the next election, and improving Japanese politics from a medium- to long-term perspective. I want to succeed in succession to generations." He emphasized the idea of ​​doing everything in his power.

In addition, Mr. Shii said, "As the first opposition party, we will have a joint struggle with each other," said Mr. Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, who expressed his intention to proceed with the coordination of unification of candidates within the opposition party in the future national elections. I want you to take the initiative in making it. "