Juliette Moreau Alvarez 8:34 a.m., July 14, 2022

Christiane Lambert was the guest of Europe 1 this Thursday morning.

At the microphone of Thierry Dagiral, the president of the FNSEA asks the Minister of Agriculture to put in place measures to enable farmers to cope with the consequences of the heat wave.

"The minister can quite take measures to allow economic stability."

Christiane Lambert calls on the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau to continue his efforts to help farmers in the face of the disastrous consequences of the heat wave on crops and animals.

"We have a major project already underway following the historic frost of 2021: it is the creation of risk management insurance, so that farmers can get insurance more easily. Beyond 50% loss, it is the national solidarity that plays. We are in the process of building this device. the insurers must not flinch. Bercy must not flinch!", she asks at the microphone of Europe 1.

Risk management insurance is now one of the FNSEA's major projects.

"If we produce less, food will cost more for everyone."