It was at the end of June that the first verdict was handed down.

Four men were then sentenced to prison for gross sabotage against blue light activities.

The time to appeal has not yet expired, but so far one of the men has appealed the verdict to the Court of Appeal.  

- In short, we do not agree with a large part of the points, says the man's lawyer Christoffer Olsson.

The man wants the Court of Appeal in the first instance to completely acquit him of the charge of gross sabotage against blue light activities and instead convict him of violent rioting.

In the alternative, he demands that the crime should be assessed as a crime of the normal degree and that he should only be responsible for a small part of the acts.

He wants regardless of whether the Court of Appeal decides a significantly shorter prison sentence than four and a half years.

This week, four more men were sentenced to various lengths of prison terms for the crime of gross sabotage against blue light activities after the riot in Sveaparken.