[Joo Young-jin's News Briefing]

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■ Broadcast: SBS <News Briefing of Joo Young-jin> Mon-Fri (14:00~16:00)

■ Host: Joo Young-jin anchor

■ Interview: Park Ji-hyeon, former chairman of the Democratic Party's Emergency Response Committee

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● Park Ji-hyeon "'Symbol of youth politics' Lee Jun-seok, 'sex accusation' is embarrassing"

"No candidacy , oral discussion decision… I was skeptical”

“I wanted to tell the public in detail about the democratic innovation plan”

“Lee Jae-myung 'judicial risk'… 'Kang-wook Choi mentioned' local elections postponed”

“Introduction to politics to eradicate digital sex crime… not yet achieved None"

"Young politicians are used as a facelift and disappear"

"The 80th Democratic Party...I feel like I'm standing in a thunder and lightning wilderness"

"'Lee Jun-seok, a representative figure of youth politics... I'm ashamed of the suspicion of sexual abuse'"

"Except for party rules" 'There are rules...' political judgment is possible for 'representative running'"

“The Democratic Party has lost a lot of progressive values…we have to solve the fandom politics problem”


▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: As I said yesterday, I will talk with former Democratic Party Emergency Response Committee Chairman Park Ji-hyun.


▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: Hello.

This is Park Ji-hyun.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Last time I watched the video a while ago, the party committee meeting was held yesterday, and in order for former Chairman Park Ji-hyun to run for the party representative on the 28th of next month, an exception must be granted, but the non-captain said that he could not find a reason to admit the exception. After unanimously ratifying the conclusion, this briefing came out.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I saw that briefing too.

If there is a unanimous opinion on this, then this is just a briefing.

If it was a unanimous opinion, it would have been possible to document it as an official agenda, but it was not the case, so I had doubts.

At least, if we are the Democratic Party and a party with a 70-year history, when making any decision, I think that it should be made a little more systematically and according to certain rules.

However, I felt a bit conscious of having a discussion about this as a composition and ending it, so I put this on an agenda and asked for it to be discussed.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Did you make a request to the party?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: To the media Now that I have posted on SNS, I am thinking of making a request to Speaker Woo Sang-ho or to the non-commissioned members officially.

▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: That is the story, former Vice Chairman Park Ji-hyeon, currently it is difficult to enter the party representative primary, but does this mean that I want to enter the party representative primary and I have a story to tell?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: There are so many things I want to tell you.

Even if there is a cut-off, there is also a point of concern about what will happen to youth politics in the future if I just surrender like this.

Also, as many of you may have seen, I don't know if Anchor saw it too, but in a recent opinion poll, I got 3rd place in support, 8.8%.

So, I hope that these points will also be considered and judged.

Above all, there are five major innovations of Park Ji-hyun that I talked about before resigning.

I have a desire to tell the public about the innovation proposal in more detail.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Then there are other stories like this.

Park Ji-hyun's intention to run for president is fully acknowledged, but in any case, isn't it an inappropriate decision to run for the presidential primary at the national convention right now because he is a person who resigned from the party after taking responsibility for the result of losing the local election? I might point out.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I cannot say that I am not responsible for the defeat.

However, when asked what caused our Democrats to lose, a lot of people said that it was because the Democrats did not innovate or innovate.

However, I said that we must continuously renew and innovate, but that argument was not carried out within the party and was repeatedly rejected.

In that case, I want to ask the question of whether it is right for me to take full responsibility for it.

When I was asked what is really responsible for achieving them, I thought that it would be a more responsible way to achieve those five innovations that I insisted on and eventually discussed with the party.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Also, when I look at the recent SNS posts of Ji-Hyeon Park, the former chairman of the National Assembly, I think I’m getting more and more tough.

Former presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung, advisor Lee Jae-myung, lawmaker Lee Jae-myung, and anyway, Lee Jae-myung strongly recommended that he assumed the position of the non-chairman.

▶ Park Ji-hyun / Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: Rather than criticism, there are a lot of concerns.

Personally, Rep. Jae-myung Lee is someone I respect a lot.

However, coming up in this election for the party's representative has a legal risk, and just as there are concerns within the party, there are a lot of areas that I am concerned about.

Also, as for the other branches, the thing that called me in the local election phase was to innovate and renew the party.

However, as he ordered it, he tried to implement the principle of zero tolerance for sexual crimes for the party's innovation and renewal, but he compared it to war and said, "Is it possible to demoralize the general, who is now on the same side?" There were parts that were difficult to understand.

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▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: So, there was even an article saying that he was not allowed to speak, is that correct?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I wish I didn't say anything. Now, regarding Rep. Choi Kang-wook's case, I want it to be done after the local election.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Recently, Park Ji-Hyeon, the former vice chairman of the National Assembly, must have been thinking about and talking about a lot of things before running for the party representative election. What is the story you hear the most?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: A lot of people ask me about the things I've heard the most: Are you okay first, or are you having a hard time these days?

In the case of young people, he gave a lot of stories to support them.

In particular, it is a little memorable for me to tell you that our young people can do more after seeing Park Ji-hyun serving as the chairman of the platoon that was a little memorable.

Above all else, the Democratic Party really needs to reform and renew, and there were people who said that I hope they do a better job in that role.

Also, because you are the most precious, there were many people who told me that I hope that I will protect you.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Among the recent SNS posts I posted on social media, I feel envious when I see things like this when I go on a trip with friends, and I think I lived like that until just a while ago, but I think many people got the feeling that I had further solidified my resolve to go into politics.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: Son Jung-woo, who recently ran a welcome-to-video child sexual exploitation sharing site, was again sentenced to two years in prison, two years in prison and a fine of 5 million won.

Reading that article, I was reminded of that determination as to whether this is why I entered the political arena.

As a digital sex crime activist, I spent two and a half years as an activist tracking digital sex crimes and felt a lot of limitations, so I decided to go into politics and solve this. I haven't done it yet.

So, I came in for this, so I really had to do this a little bit, and I had to do an activity to eradicate it, and at the same time, as I served as the chairman of the blitz, there were a lot of social problems.

Now, I felt a lot of regret as I came across the actual conditions of such staffs, freelancers, PDs, and writers of the Hope Solidarity Union and the broadcasting staff branch. I think we need politics to do that.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Politics is necessary, but as former Vice Chairman Park Ji-Hyeon wrote in person, you must have received a lot of people saying that tosagupin, politics is a very heartless thing.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: There seems to be a lot of people who feel that they are choked up even to the people's feelings.

In the meantime, there have been so many times when young politicians were just used as face masks in this political circle and then just disappeared.

But I didn't want to, and I thought that if I disappeared like this, the young politicians who would come after me would follow the same steps again.

So, I thought that it should not disappear like this, and it should not disappear like this, but I think that even if it does not play a role in the Democratic Party at the national convention this time, another political voice can be raised.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: In what form can it be presented?

Is it through social media like this?

Anyway, Park Ji-hyeon, the non-chairman, also took on a certain position through support through the election of party members and the people, and the last time he took on the role of the vice chairman didn't actually go through that path, right?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Co-Chairman of the Democratic Party: At first, it did not go through such a route, but on April 1st, it went through the approval process of the Central Committee and voted.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: At that time, was that an example in relation to the meeting of the party committee?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: That's right.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: What supported me like this at the time?

Do you think I am not qualified to run for the party representative primaries? I think you put it up with that logic. First of all, many people will think that running for the party representative primaries is actually difficult. There are many ways to spread your opinion and my political views to many party members and people. What do you have in mind?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I've been thinking about it recently, today.

When it comes to the essence of our politics, in the end, it is the essence of politics to make the lives of the socially weak and those who are in the blind spot in our society a little better.

However, when I look at the current situation, I think that it is only seen as a war and that people's lives are not well taken care of, so I am thinking of visiting places that really need interest in such a society.

So, my original dream of going to such a place and interviewing people who are having a hard time was to be a journalist and work as a newspaper reporter.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: I talked about that last time.

▶ Ji-hyeon Park/Former Co-Chairman of the Democratic Party: I suddenly heard briefly today that I might be able to become a person who plays the role of a reporter like that, or if I can share the identity of a politician and a reporter.

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▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: You seem to be thinking a lot. If you are not able to run directly at the National Convention, do you have in mind to support any other candidate?

A lot of people are declaring their candidacy right now.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I think we have to make a decision after declaring a run for office and holding a press conference.

▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: I don't think I will support Rep. Lee Jae-myung.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: You haven't declared your candidacy yet.

So, we will look at the situation and make a decision based on the promises.

'Cause I can go out right now.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: That's right, it's not completely closed yet.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: Yes.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Over the past few months, in the middle of the political circle, the chairman of the ruling party's bloated party, right?

I used to be the vice chairperson of the ruling party and then again became the vice chairperson of the opposition party, and then I quit after the local elections.

What kind of politics can you say that you haven't seen from the outside?

What stories would you like to tell our viewers?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I think what comes to mind is too unrefined language.

Being in the middle of this place gave me the feeling that I was really standing in the wilderness.

In the wilderness, there are really serious thunder, lightning, typhoon and rain, and you are wearing a very small umbrella. But if you say that umbrella, I can tell you that they are still speaking the same voice. It is really difficult, but nevertheless, Because there were people who became umbrellas with me, I think I was able to survive in this place.

Now, in the eyes of the people, what politics is doing now, and why they fight with each other, with the same side, and with the other side, you might think like this. I have a big heart.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The issue of disciplinary action against CEO Jun-Seok Lee, the ethics committee is being held tonight.

In any case, from the perspective of the people's power, Lee Jun-seok was also a symbolic existence of youth politics and youth politics.

However, we are facing a very important phase of whether or not to be disciplined. How do you view the matter?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: It is shameful that the leader of a party, who was a representative of true youth politics, is being disciplined for allegations of sexual abuse.

Also, as a representative of youth politics, of course, I cannot agree with all of his opinions, but there were parts that I respected.

However, I do not know what kind of decision will be made, but it is regrettable that just being suspected like that may have left a stain on youth politics.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The discussion with CEO Jun-Seok Lee ended in failure. I was going to try it, right?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: Well, since both of them are still prosperous, maybe we can try it someday.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: And Park Ji-Hyeon, the former chairman of the platoon, seems to have seen the limits along with the possibility of youth politics in the Democratic Party from a certain turning point recently. No, there is a rule that says that an exception can be made for the former non-chairman, so why is he not allowed to go out, or is it because the former chairman of the platoon, Ji-hyeon Park, is afraid?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Chairperson: It is in the rules, and it's not that we ask for an exception that is not in the rules, it's already in the party rules.

With that, I also made a lot of decisions in the non-captain committee, and many members of the National Assembly had come in through the regulations before, so I thought that it would be possible to make a decision through political judgment within the party, so I said it now.

I also think that if this is raised on the agenda, it will be passed if there is a more in-depth discussion.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Who did you talk to about the matter with the party, and with Woo Sang-ho, the non-commissioned chairman, and other members of the non-commissioning committee?

▶ Park Ji-hyun / Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I called you a few days ago, but you didn't answer the phone. Are you busy?

So, I'm going to try calling again sometime during the day.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The reason why former Vice Chairman Park Ji-hyeon decided to go into politics in the first place in the presidential election was once again about his initial intentions in relation to the so-called Nth room incident. What did you want to say?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Co-Chairman of the Democratic Party: The story I want to tell to the party members and the people is that in the end, shouldn't our lives be a little better? I wanted to tell you.

What is the difference between the Democratic Party and the people's power now?

Some of you have asked if your Democratic Party really has the value of progress.

But now I think the Democratic Party has lost a lot of the value of that kind of progress.

Since I believe that youth politics can soon recover the value of progress, I hope that this youth politics and progressive values, and furthermore, the directions that our society should pursue.

I think that will soon be the way to protect the weak in our society.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Park Ji-Hyeon, former president of the platoon, became the chairman of the platoon at the strong recommendation of a politician who served as a presidential candidate during the presidential election. I wonder if there was a scene.

Rep. Choi Kang-wook was also disciplined.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: It's not easy to innovate and renew the party.

However, I think that you may have felt a little uncomfortable about talking about these things, but I think that as time passes, you will eventually recognize my sincerity as well.

On the other hand, I think that the problem of fandom politics is also contained in it.

If he is a politician he likes, that kind of warmth that blindly embraces him no matter what he did or what he did wrong. I am thinking.

If I become the party leader, I will understand the essence of this issue a little bit.

▷ Youngjin Joo/Anchor: Fandom Politics?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: I am thinking that the problem may have to be resolved.

▷ Joo Young-jin/Anchor: Are there many rivers that the Democratic Party must cross?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: There are many.

There is also the strength of the fandom.

▷ Young-jin Joo/Anchor: Rep. Choi Kang-wook disciplined, as a result, as the story of former Vice Chairman Park Ji-hyun, it seems to have come about as a result.

Of course, I did request a retrial, but didn't it get quite a lot of criticism in the process at the time?

▶ Park Ji-hyun/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: That's right.

What was very embarrassing to me is that this is a problem that could be solved if we just apologized and moved on at the beginning, but there was a process of making excuses for that, and in fact, looking at the context of the conversation, there were people who believed in them and there were people who believed in them. There were also people who poured out huge criticisms and blind criticisms at me while defending Rep. Choi Kang-wook.

I went to the local election campaign with other candidates, and there were people holding me and cursing me, saying I should apologize to Rep. Choi Kang-wook.

But when I went through something like that, I felt very sorry for the candidates and a little bit upset, actually.

Now, regarding this incident within the party, this is an issue that needs to be addressed, but there was such a pity as to why he was doing it this way, and I wondered if there would be a need for such a public forum and discussion forum where we could discuss it more actively within the party. I have thoughts.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Haven’t you been criticized by Lee Jae-myung supporters recently?

Because he posted articles criticizing Rep. Lee Jae-myung on social media.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: That's why I don't see it very often these days.

In fact, seeing the criticism made me feel a bit uneasy.

So I try not to see it as much as possible.

He sent so many stories and texts, so I blocked a lot of them, but these days there aren't that many.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: I don’t have much time, but to the viewers of Young-Jin Joo’s news briefing, former Chairman Park Ji-Hyeon, who has become more determined to go on the path of politics, what would you like to say the most?

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-chairman: I want to tell you a little bit about the reason Park Ji-hyun is in politics.

In the end, the direction our society should move forward is not really meritocracy, but in our society, I think that the kind of warmth that goes along with other people's lives has not been lost in our society.

So it's not just a society where I'm the only one who excels, but a society where we can all live well together.

I want to create a more welfare state, such a country, so I will try to become a politician who makes such a Democratic Party and such a Republic of Korea.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: There will be quite a variety of perspectives on former Vice Chairman Park Ji-Hyeon.

I think many people will remember today's story of former Vice Chairman Park Ji-hyeon for a long time to come.

I heard you well today.

▶ Park Ji-hyeon/Former Democratic Party Co-Chairman: Thank you.

※ For details, you can check the video.

(SBS Digital News Bureau)