The remuneration levels in Klarna's management team are on average significantly higher than for, for example, Swedbank's management team - despite the fact that you make large losses.

How do you look at it?

- The question is a bit strange because it insinuates that the compensation would be high in light of the fact that Klarna has made extensive investments in recent years.

- Klarna was profitable during the company's first 14 years.

But around 2018, we decided to expand much faster, especially in the US.

We understood that in that case it would mean large investments and red numbers for a few years.

Our owners have invested large sums to enable growth, because, just as we see it, we are on our way to becoming one of the world's largest consumer banks.

The investments are, so to speak, "pre-funded".

- It has been successful, we have grown to now have 150 million customers - completely according to plan.

We invest and have costs - completely according to plan.

Comparisons with local companies that operate in a few markets and have a few million customers are completely irrelevant in this context.

Approximately 100 employees have received SEK 2 million in compensation during 2021 or more.

The average variable wage cost for key personnel has increased sharply in one year.

How do you view it from the outside that the company now has to save through staff cuts?

- Klarna has entered 10 new markets since 2020 and has grown to have 150 million customers in 45 markets.

To succeed in this, global top talent is required for key positions, and they are offered market-based salaries, writes Klarna's communications manager Johan Gustafsson.