This is a concerted action of a special kind: On the day of the summit meeting of politicians, employers and trade unions, the FDP put its finger in a wound that is getting bigger and bigger.

Like so many of its predecessors, the traffic light coalition is trying to steer migration in such a way that it alleviates the shortage of skilled workers.

This may have nothing to do directly with galloping inflation, but indirectly, because of the bottlenecks and distortions on the labor market, it does.

Germany has not been very successful so far.

Only about every tenth residence permit is work-related.

Since immigration should not serve as an additional burden but to stabilize the social systems, this is an oath of disclosure.

The FDP, which was able to put its stamp on the coalition agreement in this regard, now wants to get going.

The "Blue Card" is to be expanded for new professional groups and supplemented by an "opportunity card".

The FDP hopes that this will also attract qualified immigrants who do not come to Germany with a permanent job offer, but are only looking for work here.

English as a second administrative language?

So far, German politicians have kept their hands off it because enough job-seeking migrants have come to Germany through other channels.

The ever-increasing demand for workers with almost full employment also suggests a rethink here.

Unfortunately, the traffic light cannot be expected to carefully separate the two "lanes" of immigration, asylum seekers and labor migration.

The FDP also sees language as an obstacle.

According to their ideas, authorities should not only approach immigrants in German, but also in English.

That's reasonable (and already commonplace in many places) as long as it attracts skilled immigration.

"Language is the key to successful integration," said the FDP, which apparently hopes that integration will begin with English and end with German.

That would be very desirable, even if it would require a number of concerted actions.