The court of Compiègne (Oise) sentenced a 26-year-old man on Monday for violently shaking his partner's 9-week-old baby.

The facts took place last April in Bussy (Oise)


The little girl suffers from irreversible neurological damage, reports

Le Parisien


The mother briefly left the baby with her boyfriend.

But the man had called her a few minutes later, telling her that the infant was not breathing.

Taken to the emergency room, the little girl showed all the symptoms of a shaken baby.

Questioned by his companion, the young man had nevertheless denied any violence.

The relaxed mother

The mother had not expressed her doubts because the respondent had already been worried by the courts.

In police custody, the man had confessed to having shaken the little girl to keep her quiet.

The court sentenced him to 18 months in prison.

Prosecuted for non-denunciation of ill-treatment, the mother was released.


Shaken baby syndrome: Protecting the child but not punishing the innocent, a diagnosis still under debate


Cannes: Twelve and eight years in prison for the parents of a baby shaken and beaten to death

  • Compiegne

  • Hauts-de-France

  • Conviction

  • Babe

  • Violence

  • Justice