China News Service, July 5th. The National Health and Health Commission held a press conference on the progress and achievements of the Healthy China Action since its implementation. Mao Qun'an, deputy director of the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee and director of the Planning Department of the National Health and Health Commission, introduced at the meeting. , At present, my country's average life expectancy has increased to 77.93 years, and the main health indicators are in the forefront of middle- and high-income countries. The "Healthy China 2030" Plan Outline for 2020 The phased goals have generally been achieved on schedule, and the main goals of the Healthy China Action in 2022 have been achieved ahead of schedule. China's construction started off well and progressed smoothly, playing an important role in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and promoting the economic and social development of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

  Mao Qun'an pointed out that the implementation of the Healthy China Action has achieved obvious phased results:

  First, the health promotion policy system has been basically established.

The State Council has established the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee. We have formed a multi-departmental working mechanism for coordinated promotion. Education, sports and other departments actively participate and take the initiative. We have established and improved meeting scheduling, work supervision, monitoring and assessment, local pilots, and typical case cultivation and promotion. Mechanism to realize the coordinated promotion of provinces, cities and counties.

  Second, health risk factors have been effectively controlled.

Establish a national health science expert database and resource database, and an all-media health science knowledge release and dissemination mechanism, centering on the popularization of health knowledge, reasonable diet, national fitness, tobacco control and alcohol restriction, mental health, and promotion of a healthy environment to comprehensively control health risks. factor.

The health literacy level of residents increased to 25.4%, and the proportion of people who regularly participated in physical exercise reached 37.2%.

  Third, the health maintenance capability of the whole life cycle has been significantly improved.

Focusing on key population groups, we will improve the health security system and continuously improve health service capabilities.

The goals of the “Two Outlines” and the “13th Five-Year Plan” for women and children have been fully realized. The coverage rate of children’s eye care and vision examination services has reached 91.7%. keep falling.

  Fourth, major diseases have been effectively contained.

For major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, as well as various key infectious diseases and endemic diseases, we will continue to strengthen comprehensive prevention and control measures to effectively curb the rising trend of morbidity. The premature mortality rate of major chronic diseases is lower than the global Average.

  Fifth, the atmosphere of national participation is becoming stronger and stronger.

Widely and deeply popularize health knowledge through various online and offline methods, new media and traditional media channels.

Promote the construction of the Healthy China Action Special Network, and hold activities such as "Healthy China Doctors First", "Knowledge and Action Competition" and "Health Experts".

In the process of prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, it is precisely because of the active participation of the public that the social foundation for epidemic prevention and control has been laid.