It was in January 2021 that the woman visited the café with a friend.

The woman asked if the cake she wanted to buy contained nuts and was told that it did not.

According to the café owner's own information, she checked the recipe book, after the customer had been served the cake, and then realized that the cake contained peanut butter.

She then apologized and the woman got another coffee instead.

Was taken to hospital by ambulance

When the allergic woman left the café, her condition worsened.

The allergic reaction resulted in an ambulance being called.

Ambulance personnel gave her an adrenaline rush before she was taken to the hospital.

The district court acquitted the café owner, but now the court of appeal is changing the ruling.

The Court of Appeal believes that it is the responsibility of the woman who runs the café to know what ingredients are included in what is served and therefore convicts her of causing bodily harm.

She is sentenced to pay a fine of a total of SEK 3,000, as well as damages to the victim of SEK 900.