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Tunisian Al-Sabah newspaper on the head of the Consultative Body for the Drafting of the Constitution: President Said changed the draft constitution that I submitted to him.

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Tunisian newspaper Al-Sabah on the authority of Sadiq Belaid: The final draft of the constitution has nothing to do with the first proposed project.

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Tunisian newspaper Al-Sabah on the authority of Sadiq Belaid: The draft constitution published by President Saïd involves serious risks and pitfalls.

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Tunisian morning on Belaid: It is my responsibility to denounce the grave dangers involved in the text of the draft constitution issued by the presidency.

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Tunisian morning on Belaid: One of the chapters of the constitution published by Said includes the imminent danger that allows the president to extend his term.

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Tunisian morning on Belaid: The constitution published by the president contains chapters that could pave the way for a disgraceful dictatorial regime.

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Tunisian morning on Belaid: The draft constitution published by the president includes an ambiguous and ambiguous local and regional system.

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Tunisian morning on Belaid: President Said distorted Tunisian identity through the draft constitution that he published.

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Al-Sabah on the authority of Belaid: The text of the constitution issued by the Presidency of the Republic states that the president has no political responsibility.