• Born in a group of colleges in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, an initiative aims to collect complaints against the State for non-replacement of absent teachers.

  • In Paris, nearly 3,200 hours of lessons were lost, according to reports collected on the Ouyapacours platform of the FCPE.

  • Parents ask the State 10 euros per hour of class not replaced for middle school and high school and 50 euros per day for primary school.

They are a whole group of parents, from Val-de-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis or Paris, proclaiming their anger at the non-replacement of teachers at school.

After launching a hashtag, #Onveutdesprofs, they are now ready to go to court and hold the state to account.

"We suggest that you change your strategy by filing, in a coordinated manner, throughout the country, thousands of claims for compensation against the State", writes the Federation of Parents' Councils (FCPE) of Paris in a article posted on its site, directly appealing to parents.

These angry parents claim that their children have sometimes missed more than a hundred hours of lessons, without any replacement.

According to reports made to the FCPE, at least 79,000 hours of lessons have been lost in France since the start of the new school year, and more than 3,200 in Paris alone.

The FCPE Paris notes that there is already a shortage of 200 teachers in Paris in the first degree for the next school year.

110 hours of uninsured lessons

“I have a child who was in 3rd grade, he had two months of French during his 3rd grade, he had almost no techno teacher.

My other son, who is in 5th grade, did not have Spanish lessons for ten weeks… We calculated that between September and April this year, he had 110 hours of uninsured lessons,” explains Nadège, whose children are or were educated in the Marie Curie – Gérard Philipe college group, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, where the initiative started, quickly joined by Montreuil.

The legal action aims to push the State to replace its absent teachers more quickly, by asking for compensation for the damage suffered, explains to

20 Minutes

Me Joyce Pitcher, lawyer specializing in mass litigation, in charge with Me Louis the Foyer de Costil to represent the collective.

Parents ask the State for 10 euros per hour of class not replaced for middle school and high school, and 50 euros per day for primary school.

150 requests made

“We want the state to provide sufficient resources to replace the teachers and that the parents who had to set up private lessons to remedy the absences be compensated”, argues Me Joyce Pitcher, who specifies that the action is in its "infancy".

Around 150 requests have been made so far, with parents from all over France joining parents in Ile-de-France.

The lawyers are waiting to have "several thousand people" before launching the procedure, during the summer, with the rectorate first, then in court in a second time.


Lille: Teachers do Paris-Roubaix in the opposite direction to protest against the lack of human resources


“A Swiss army knife who must do everything alone”… Teachers and school principals again shout their anger about their working conditions

  • Paris

  • Education

  • National Education

  • Teacher

  • Absence

  • state

  • Ile-de-France