- We have a location on Gotland where public transport does not work particularly well.

It costs a lot of money and gives a little back in terms of the money we invest.

Therefore, we have chosen to make an unconditional investigation to see how we can improve public transport for taxpayers, says Patric Ramberg, head of the technology administration on Gotland.

A reduction in the number of bus lines

According to the investigation, one of the changes may be to reduce the number of bus lines.

A change that can be perceived as a deterioration.

- You must not see it that way, it is not about reducing but rather doing in a different way than we have done before.

It should be supplemented with a number of other things.

but we will need to look at this further, says Patric Ramberg.

The complementary functions that Patric Ramberg mentions include expansions of easily accessible hubs and call-controlled traffic.

Work is expected to begin this autumn

- We assume that this will lead to an improvement of public transport with more frequent trips and a better overall coverage than the one we have today, he says.

The Gotland region will further analyze the proposals given and the work of rebuilding city traffic is expected to begin this autumn.