
Democratic lawmakers' workshop for 2 days and 1 night has ended.

The biggest concern was whether Rep. Lee Jae-myung would run in the party representative election in August.

There were quite a few voices saying that he should not run for office, but Rep. Lee Jae-myung, who was the party, was silent.

Reporter Min-Sung Jang reported.

<Reporter> The

subject that heated up the 2 Days 1 Night Democratic Party Workshop was whether Rep. Jae-myung Lee would run for the August National Convention.

His fellow lawmakers and reporters alike wondered if he would go on to represent him, but this congressman spared no words.

[Lee Jae-myung / Democratic Party lawmaker: ('Is there a demand for not running for office?) The economy is in a very difficult situation and the people's suffering is really severe.]

Yesterday (23rd) evening, in a debate where about 10 lawmakers were grouped into groups by lottery, it was supposed to be in Article 14. Rep. Lee, who is said to be a powerful party leader, and Hong Young-pyo, a key member of his close relationship, sat face to face.

Rep. Hong proposed not to run together, saying that the factional conflict would increase incomparably with the last presidential election.

[Hong Young-pyo/Democratic Rep.: Lee Jae-myung or me, whether running for president is good or helpful, let's decide those things (said.)]

Rep. Lee said, "It's good for myself to be the president now. It is said that there is nothing that will happen.”

[Rep. Ko Yong-jin/Democratic Party (CBS Radio): I know that Rep. Lee Jae-myung is still in 108 agony.]

In other group discussions, it is said that re-elected lawmakers centered on the side effects of fandom politics and demanded not to run for office.

The position of this member of the House of Representatives is divided.

An aide member of the House of Representatives said that if Rep. Lee did not run, the strong supporters would leave the party, and that the declaration of candidacy was a matter of timing. .

It is said that lawmaker Lee will continue to ponder until just before the candidate registration, which is expected in the middle of next month.

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-gi, video editing: Choi Hye-young)