The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) reminds the Generalitat that the sentence of 25% of Castilian is fully in force despite the maneuvers of the Government to circumvent them and orders the Minister of Education,

Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray

, to «issue the instructions , resolutions and circulars» to ensure that the ruling is applied in all schools in Catalonia.

The High Court warns Cambray in two orders in which it dismisses two appeals from the Generalitat against two requirements presented by the Assembly by a Bilingual School (AEB) and a father who demanded the forced execution of the sentence that dynamits the immersion.

"What it is about is, simply, that the activity of the lower administrative bodies be directed by the Minister of Education in such a way that compliance with the sentence is channeled," the TSJC clarifies to Cambray, who is required to its instructions serve to "ensure that the provisions of the operative part of the ruling that requires a minimum of 25% of teaching hours in Spanish in core subjects are met."

The High Court insists that the Minister of Education must "guarantee a minimum of effective and immediate teaching through the normal vehicular use of the two official languages, Catalan and Spanish."

At the moment, the only instruction sent by Cambray to the directors of the educational centers was the one sent on May 31, one day before the sentence had to be applied.

In it, far from ordering the schools to apply 25% of Spanish, he urged them to avoid the application of the ruling by submitting to the decree of the Government approved to circumvent it.

The Minister of Education called on the directors to "verify" that the linguistic project of their schools is "adapted" to the decree, which dictated the "non-application of numerical parameters, proportions or percentages in the teaching and use of languages", that is, In other words, it confirms that it will not set a minimum Spanish quota, as required by the High Court.

Yesterday, Cambray dismissed the course with a letter addressed to teachers in which he boasted of not having applied the 25% sentence.

"In a course marked by the interference of the courts in the model of the Catalan school, from the Department we have legally protected the directors, the teachers and the linguistic projects of the centers", he said.

Withdraw 25% to families like Canet's

And today, before the new order of the TSJC was made public, Cambray has confirmed its intention to use that decree to withdraw 25% of Spanish in the 47 classrooms where it is applied due to the judicial victory obtained individually by families such as the of Canet de Mar.

“The new regulations approved in Catalonia must serve so that percentages are not applied in any class”, assured Cambray during the presentation of a report to justify the maintenance and strengthening of immersion in schools.

As EL MUNDO already advanced on June 1, the Government will use the decree approved to circumvent the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to try to dispossess that 25% of Spanish from the families to which it had been judicially granted.

Cambray has announced that his Ministry has already "taken procedural measures so that these percentages adapt to the new regulations."

The intention of the Generalitat is to argue before the TSJC that the schools that apply 25% of Spanish in the classrooms of the applicant families do not adhere to the new decree, which does not refer to a minimum quota of Spanish, nor does it recognize its vehicularity .

The ruse is as follows: the Ministry of Education sent an instruction to all the schools in the region to demand that they adapt their "linguistic project" to the decree, which specifies that schools that do not comply with these precepts must "adapt" to them.

Otherwise, the Generalitat will intervene to force them to swallow the ruse devised to disobey the ruling of the High Court.

In practice, the schools that have had to apply 25% of Spanish in some of their classes to comply with final rulings addressed to their directors are being invited by the Generalitat to point out that their linguistic project does not respect the new educational decree, to that the Government urge them, later, to correct this situation.

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