McDonald's in Russia, which opened "just so delicious" last week without Big Macs and McWhirlwinds on the menu, said the record number of burgers sold on the opening day gave the new company the confidence to set its goals.

  In mid-May this year, McDonald's issued a statement saying that after operating in Russia for more than 30 years, the company will withdraw from the market, and has started the process of selling its Russian business, seeking to package and sell its Russian business to local buyers.

After exiting the Russian market, McDonald's sold the restaurants to local franchisee Alexander Govor.

  50 restaurants in and around Moscow reopened on June 12 and 13 under the new name "Vkusno & tochka" or "Tasty and That's it", which means "that's it".

"We sold nearly 120,000 burgers on our first day, and we've never seen such a high daily turnover before," said Oleg Paroyev, chief executive of the new fast-food chain. ."

  Paroyev's goal is to advance and exceed the store expansion target of "new owner" Alexander Govor, which plans to "reach 1,000 stores in four to five years."

(Produced by Zhou Jing)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]