Heléne Fritzon (S), Morgan Johansson (S) and Tobias Billström (M).

There are three ministers who have dealt with the immigration issue.

Add Maria Malmer Stenergard, migration policy spokesperson for the Moderates, the Center Party's ditto Jonny Cato and the Green Party's migration policy spokesperson Maria Ferm - something that speaks its clear language.

- Migration policy has been almost completely dominated by Scanians in recent years, says Maggie Strömberg, political reporter at SvD, in Politikbyrån.

Integration important for Scanians

Tobias Billström believes that one explanation is geography:

- Skåne is close to the continent and many issues have arisen here and then traveled up through the country.

For me who comes from Malmö, it also became very clear that the issue of migration and integration is very important for the citizens of Skåne, he says and adds:

- Therefore, it is also natural that many people who have a background from there take up this issue and get involved.

Morgan Johansson agrees with:

- You have seen some of the effects very early.

Not least when it comes to segregation, as we saw in some of the large municipalities in Skåne, in Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg and Karlskrona very early, says the S-minister in the Politburo.

The land of the Skåne extremes

Morgan Johansson, who lives in Lund, says that it is difficult to answer whether it is a coincidence that so many Scanian politicians handle the immigration issue.

- At the same time, I saw how significantly the refugee crisis in 2015/2016 affected Skåne specifically.

10,000 came to the Swedish border this week and these refugees came via Trelleborg, Malmö and Helsingborg.

Then it was an advantage to live in Skåne yourself and see how dramatic it was.

Skåne is described as the land of the extremes politically, where the left is more left and the right more right.

It is an image that Johansson recognizes himself in.

- Skåne is also a landscape that has been politically polarized between the Social Democrats and the left forces, but we have also had right-wing extremist currents in Skåne for a very long time.

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