A total of 15 municipalities from the area surrounding the airport have joined forces to take joint action against the "Segmented Approach" approach procedure, which is currently still in the test phase.

This flight procedure is intended to relieve local authorities on the approach routes to Frankfurt Airport, in that the machines no longer fly directly over densely populated areas, but fly past them in curves.

However, this means that it is getting louder in sparsely populated areas or in communities that have previously suffered little or no aircraft noise.

The cities and municipalities that have now joined include municipalities from the districts of Offenbach, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Groß-Gerau and Mainz-Bingen.

These are Babenhausen, Bodenheim, Dietzenbach, Erzhausen, Hainburg, Heusenstamm, Mainhausen, Nackenheim, Neu-Isenburg, Obertshausen, Rödermark, Rodgau, Rüsselsheim, Schaafheim and Seligenstadt.

In their local parliaments, they have each passed an unanimous resolution in which they call for an immediate end to the trial operation of the "Segmented Approach".

Rüsselsheim, Neu-Isenburg and Heusenstamm want to file a lawsuit on behalf of the 15 municipalities.

A press release states that the municipalities affected would represent around 350,000 people who would receive more aircraft noise as a result of the new procedure advocated by the Aircraft Noise Commission, while the relief for the other municipalities would only be insignificant.

In addition, the all-day trial operation is not legally permissible.

In addition, people newly affected by aircraft noise would not have the opportunity to apply for passive noise protection by law.

Newly affected people also felt significantly more disturbed by new noise pollution than people who had been living under one of the approach paths for a long time.