Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 2022 3:55 p.m., June 13, 2022

Historically, yours brings together 3 socialites (but not too many!): the half-socialite, the demi-mondaine Emilienne d'Alençon, one of the 3 graces of the Belle Epoque who shared her life between her adventures as an actress on scene, and those - more horizontal - with men (and women too) in bed.

Then, socialite, she wanted to be, and was so thanks to her marriage: Doris Delevingne or Viscountess Castlerosse, who started from nothing and became the queen of London high society, until she was spotted, painted - and even more - by a certain Winston Churchill.

And a false socialite who was all true except for a few details, deceiving her world before getting caught: Anna Sorokin.

The guests :

- Carole Wrona,

author and director, made a documentary on the Three Graces: "Belles de nuit ou la fin d'une epoch", and author of the biography "Emilienne d'Alençon, Vivre d'amour en 1900" (Editions of the Green Tower)

- Stéphanie Des Horts,

writer and author of "Doris, Churchill's secret" (Albin Michel)