- It is mainly the planned crime that is reduced when we set up cameras.

Sometimes we can also see that it moves, says Fredrik Borell who is crime prevention coordinator at the police.

Research on camera surveillance shows that criminals in the first place stop committing crimes at the place where the cameras are set up, in the second place they move the crimes to a new place.

The cameras should point to unsafe places

Exactly where the new cameras will be located is still a secret, but the places to be monitored have been pointed out with the help of the district's weekly reports on insecurity, so-called EST reports, which have been ongoing since the autumn of 2018.

It is not just Bäckby that will get more cameras.

The police will increase surveillance in several places in Västerås.

The feeling of security increases

In addition to reducing crime, the cameras also create a sense of security among residents, which is an effect that weighs heavily on the police, who struggle with low numbers in security investigations.

- We notice that the residents come to our colleagues out here and say that they think it is good that we are watching, they feel safer, says Fredrik Borell.

In the clip, Fredrik Borell shows one of the places that will be monitored by the new cameras.