
Let's talk more about the results of the poll you just saw with Park Won-kyung, a reporter from the Political Department.

Q. 'Positive evaluation' 49%...


[Reporter Park Won-kyung: It is difficult to directly compare with this survey, but a Gallup survey in the first month of the previous administrations of Moon Jae-in, Park Geun-hye, and Lee Myung-bak showed about 80 to 40 percent.

Except for the Park Geun-hye administration, where the first prime minister candidate was defeated, the difference between the two governments does not seem to be irrelevant to the fierce presidential election results, which showed the smallest gap in history.

It means that there are a lot of people who are willing to watch rather than give a positive evaluation.

As the reason for the positive evaluation, most people cited driving work processing.

It can be seen that the results of the Korea-US summit held 11 days after inauguration, the shortest period in history, and the first pledge of supplementary budget formation and execution were reflected.]

Q. What are the reasons for the 'negative evaluation'?

[Reporter Park Won-kyung: Yes.

The reason for the negative evaluation is that it can be viewed as a future task.

As the reason for the negative evaluation, most people cited biased personnel centered around aides.

The negative evaluation rate was particularly high among those in their 40s and 50s, who have many Democratic supporters.

In one month, I answered questions on the way to work 13 times.

It is also worth noting that nearly 14% of the respondents cited lack of communication skills as the reason for negative evaluation.

President Yoon recently appointed women one after another to the vice-ministerial level, accepting criticism that he was stingy in appointing women.

In response to the criticism that it is biased personnel from the prosecution, he does not bend the principle of ability-oriented personnel, saying, "If necessary, we can appoint another person."

Depending on the format and frequency of communication and how openly you are to negative public opinion, it will be a part that can be differentiated from the communication of former presidents who only stopped slogans.]

Q. Why are expectations higher in the future?

[Reporter Park Won-kyung: The positive expectations for the future were almost 10% higher than the current positive evaluation.

Even the Democratic supporters and progressives had higher expectations for the future than the present.

It can be seen that the expectation that President Yoon 'I wish he would do better' than now was reflected because of the soaring prices and the harsher living conditions.

Nearly 70% of the respondents selected economic growth and stable housing prices as policies to focus on in the future.

In the end, it will mean that economic report cards such as price stability will be the most important factor in evaluating state management in the future.]

(Video Edit: Hwang Ji-young)