Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 20226:49 p.m., June 10, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who play Indians: Frank Hamilton Cushing, an American anthropologist who went to live with a tribe of Indians to the point of almost becoming one in the person of Tenatsali, a name he does not have selected.

Then he, on the other hand, chose to be called Gray Owl: Archibald Belaney, a name that caused much ink to flow for an ambivalent character, so convinced of belonging to the Indian people, that he ended up persuading others !

And the one who embodied the most famous Indian in disco, and there's no doubt about it: Felipe Rose, the Indian from the Village People!



Frédéric Saumade

, anthropologist

Co-author of a synthesis on the work of Franck Cushing:

"Tenatsali or the ethnologist who was transformed into an Indian" (Editions du CNRS)


Marie-Pierre Bousquet

, anthropologist and full professor in the anthropology department of the University of Montreal.