Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 20224:00 p.m., June 09, 2022

Historically Yours brings together three characters who are aptly named: the dancer-turned-choreographer Marius Petipa who advanced, with a predestined name, in dance at his own pace, crossing Europe, from France to Russia, to lead the Imperial Troop from St. Petersburg.

Then, he too had the name that went hand in hand with what he was: the comedian and impersonator Thierry Le Luron who, in a – alas – lightning career, made politicians tremble and made France laugh especially in the 1970s. /80.

And a drug lord in Jamaica who also lives up to his damn name: Christopher Coke!

The guests :

Ariane Dollfus

, journalist, arts and entertainment specialist


Michel Drucker

, TV presenter