• Elections 2022 All the information about the Andalusian elections of June 19

  • Campaign This is how an electoral debate is negotiated: the candidates agree until the order of arrival on TV


first debate

of the Andalusian electoral campaign has not been without fireworks, tricks and even strokes of ingenuity.

One hundred and ten minutes of dialectical exchange go a long way, despite the rigidity imposed by the model agreed upon by the political parties.

These are some pearls of those who aspire to occupy the Palace of San Telmo and govern Andalusia for the next four years.

  • The 'ball' returns


    The candidate for Por Andalucía has blamed Juanma Moreno for his management of the crisis because "modernity", she has said, was "making funds available to citizens" and, instead, she has promoted "the brick , the ball."

  • The "fashionable man".

    The PP candidate has not been slow to point out that he was the target of all criticism and has presented himself as "the man of fashion", to which the head of the PSOE list, Juan Espadas, has replied: "Mr. Moreno, Don't play the victim."

  • Taxes for "prawns" and "joy".

    The tax cuts that the PP has promoted have provoked the coincident reaction of Vox and Adelante Andalucía.

    Macarena Olona, ​​for Vox, has said that her party wants the taxes to be used for "joy" and Teresa Rodríguez has accused Moreno of "fiscal invitations" to finance private schools that would have been spent "on shrimp".

  • The "gang of the wolperfe".

    The Vox candidate has driven Swords crazy by referring to his wife, a worker at the extinct Faffe Foundation, and the parliamentary appearance in which he justified his hiring by explaining that, among his functions, was to prepare documents in WordPerfect.

    Swords could not contain himself.

    "It's okay, I ask for respect," she replied.

  • "The death of the curve".

    The candidate for Por Andalucía, Inmaculada Nieto, has put a humorous note by comparing those who benefited from the fiscal reforms of the PP and Cs government with "the dead woman of the curve", the ghost of an accident victim that everyone says that they have seen but that never existed.

  • Decentralization and logic.

    Regarding the debate on the decentralization of state institutions, the candidate for Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, pointed out that it is "an overwhelming logic that the Naval Museum is in Madrid".

  • Saint Denis in Almeria.

    The head of the Vox list has compared the immigration situation in Andalusia with that of the Paris metropolitan belt, bringing up the incidents of the recent Champions League final.

    "The only difference between El Puche [a neighborhood in the Almeria capital], El Ejido and Saint Denis is that a Champions League hasn't been held here."

  • Olona, ​​the "Andalusian woman" and humility.

    Olona and Rodríguez have starred in more than one scuffle, among other issues over the situation of women in Andalusia.

    The Adelante Andalucía candidate has snapped at the Vox candidate that "it is difficult for you to know how a woman in Andalusia feels, you have walked the streets of Andalusia a little, you should be more humble."

  • Vox, the "armed arm" of gender violence.

    The ill-treatment has been another of the points in which Rodríguez and Olona have collided, head-on.

    The head of the Adelante Andalucía list has described Vox as "the political arm of sexist terrorism, the party of abusers."

    Olona has not hesitated to respond: "Your insults are gallons on my chest, Mrs. Rodríguez."

  • The "papers" of Juanma Moreno.

    Swords has jumped when the current president of the Board has congratulated himself for what has been done in his three and a half years of government.

    "It is already when you have lost your papers, to say that in three and a half years you have done more than in ten years", the socialist candidate has released to the PP.

  • An "autograph" from the president.

    Moreno's triumphalist airs have provoked the reaction of the candidate for Por Andalucía.

    "I see you standing on flags," Nieto told the PP-A leader, adding that "if you want, when we finish, sign us all an autograph."

  • Color benches.

    The candidates for Por Andalucía and Vox have also gotten into a fight over Olona's promise to put an end to the "ideological beach bars that limit themselves to painting the benches in colours".

    Nieto has added: "After such an important proposal...".

  • 'Frankenstein' or 'The Exorcist'.

    The cinema has also had its space in the first debate of the electoral campaign.

    Moreno has attacked the "Frankenstein government" of the PSOE with United We Can and the independentists in Madrid and Swords has warned him that "let's see if they will choose

    The Exorcist

    as a film. Nieto has participated in the movie buff debate arguing that Frankenstein "does not is frowned upon."

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    • Andalusia Elections

    • PP

    • PSOE

    • citizens

    • Through Andalusia

    • Forward Andalusia

    • vox

    • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla

    • John Swords

    • John Marin

    • immaculate grandson

    • Theresa Rodriguez

    • Macarena Olona

    • Articles Chema Rodriguez